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GOOD GRIEF, this guy just won't shut up!

Also, I can't help but feel slightly weirded out by his presence.

He seems powerful but at the same time, that smirk of his is full of shit.

Yet he's walking to Liyue with me, what a gentleman.
Except he just wants my clothes off me instead of new warm ones.

He's like a hormonal teenager, talking yet occasionally staring at the torn fabric of my shirt, just hoping to get another glance at my breasts.

Why am I following a random man who wanted to stare at my tits? I don't know.

Well, I'm not following him, he's just walking alongside me.

It's...comforting, it feels safe knowing that someone is with me, bad intentions or not, I'm just at ease for once.

I stare at him as we're walking and look at the details on his clothing.

"I didn't get your name," I tell him.

"Uh...you can just call me Scaramouche." he chuckles awkwardly.

I'm shocked, but try to hide it because if you make one wrong move around a harbinger, you could scare them off.

They're like stray cats, you're constantly walking on eggshells around them.

He stares at me worriedly, and I smile at him.

"You're not...alerted?"

"Why would I be?"

"So you don't know who I am..? Like not at all..?" he looks at me concernedly.

"No...I've heard your name here and there but I haven't been actively seeking for you." I laugh.

"You know I'm a harbinger right?" he tells me.

I stare at him and smile again.

"What the fuck, how are you not turned off by it?" he crosses his arms.

"I wasn't turned on in the first place, were you trying to get me to not be?"

"No no, like I definitely want to fuck you but you know...normally people run away by this point."

"So I'm not the only girl you've harassed."

"No I prefer harassing men." he rolls his eyes.

"W- what the fuck?" I look at him with surprise clear on my face.

"What can I say...guys have better boobs, and they're willing to show me."

"Why won't you shut up about boobs?" I ask him.

"Why would I?"

I shake my head and continue walking, keeping an eye out for the lights that enter the harbour.

"Okay but this isn't a one-way exchange, I want your name for future reference," he whines.

"Oh, I'm Y/n." I smile.

"Y/n huh...I've definitely heard your name before, weren't you a prostitute?" he questions me.

"No- why would I be a prostitute!" I shout at him.

"I made that up! But seriously I have heard of you," he reassured me.


"Other harbingers."

"Like the ginger one?" I ask him.

"Well I have heard from him, but actually from our hierarchy."

"That's cool don't tell me." I dismiss him.

"Childe told me you were selling illegal weapons to a merchant! And you almost got your ass kicked!" he laughed in my face.

"That was a...it was a favour!" I shout at him.

He stared at me for a bit before opening his mouth.



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