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IT'S ALMOST AS IF THE WORLD WENT STILL, I don't know how to respond to his confession.

I've lived long enough to be able to experience the feeling of love, but it doesn't feel real.

Maybe it's because I've never experienced what it's like, but I feel that I don't believe him.

He probably is being truthful, he hasn't lied to me since we began this trip and he has always been very honest; maybe a bit too honest.

My father never taught me how to love, Signora told me that one day I'll find someone who truly loves me.

And I love Scaramouche, I believe his words but at the same time, I don't.

I feel like we haven't known each other for long, but maybe love at first sight does exist.

Can't I stay here forever?

"I love you too." I smile at him.

He places his head on my shoulder for a while as we both watch the sunset.

A while passes and Yae calls us to have dinner with her, Scaramouche and I get up; running to the smell of good food.

We both sit next to each other and stare at the absolute meal in front of us.

We thank the woman and begin eating, and the feeling of relief soon washed over us.

We couldn't stand eating canned ship food anymore, and the meal we are having is making up for all of the times we got seasick.

"Alrighty you two, the food won't run away; but once you're done you should take a bath, you guys reek of sea salt.

We both laugh and continue eating.

"So...how do you and Scaramouche know each other?" I ask her.

"I'm very good friends with his mother." she smiles at me.

"Yeah, she's like my second mom," Scaramouche explains with his mouth full of food.

"What happened to your manners... you should go give her a visit tomorrow, she's expecting your visit," Yae says.

"That's the plan, I have to see the dearest mother..." Scaramouche rolls his eyes.

"Don't be sour, she's bound to apologize one day." she smiles.

"Hope that day is tomorrow." Scaramouche laughs sarcastically.

"Is there some gossip that I don't know?" I enquire.

"I'll explain later, I can't wait for that bath though." he looked satisfied with his meal.

I laugh at him and excuse myself from the table and let Scaramouche lead me to the bathroom.

I stare around in awe, the bathtub is huge!

"Can I bathe with you..." he asks shyly.

"You just want to see my tits soapy!"

"No! I just want to bathe with you."

"You're a fucking child." I laugh and kick him out of the bathroom.

While staring at myself in the mirror half dressed, the door swings open and it's none other than Scaramouche with a towel around his waist.

"You saw my dick, and so I say that we shower together!" he points at me, and I'm only wearing a thin strapped top and my underwear.

"Scaramouche what the fuck!" I shout at him, chasing him around with a towel, getting ready to whip him.

"I just want to have sex again!" he admits as he runs around the bathroom.

"You could've just told me!" I shout at him.

"So...head?" he asks.

"Absolutely no- actually..." I take time to think.



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