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WE WOKE UP EARLY THE NEXT MORNING, and Scaramouche was mentally preparing himself for seeing his mother once again.

The Raiden Shogun, is a powerful woman.

We have never met before but I sure have heard the world of comments about her.

He seems scared of her, scared of his own mother.

Well as powerful as the Raiden Shogun is, she's also heartless in a way.

Showing little to no mercy to anyone who crosses paths with her.

Saying that I'm nervous would be an understatement, I just fear her reaction when she sees Scaramouche once more.

We slowly walk towards the temple where she lays, and I can feel the anxiety pooling in my stomach, just waiting to be toppled over.

He talks to the guards for a while and then they finally let us in, and the main area is very spacious.

The woman stared at us from afar, picking up her sword carefully.

"Son..." she called out.

I stare at Scaramouche and make him go forward to greet his mother.

The silence was thick, thick enough that you could hear anyone breathe.

"What brings you here?" she asked.

"I...I want the gnosis, I'm powerful enough now," he demanded.

She stared at him, slightly laughing at his request.

"I'm afraid it would take a bit more than just asking." she smiled and gripped the handle of her sword tightly.

He stared at her in fear, not knowing what to do.

"I said I can take it now!" he glared at her.

"You as a vessel are weak, remember that," she told him.

"You betrayed me! Like everyone else did!" he shouted at her.

Her smile dropped, the life draining out of her face and she returned to a constant glare.

She lifted the sword above her head, aiming directly for Scaramouche until someone familiar walked in gracefully.

"Raiden..." she smiled.

I stare up at the woman in shock.

"Signora!" I call out for her with tears in my eyes.

She looked back at me and her expression changed from being serious to being concerned.

"Y/n why are you here?!" she asked worriedly.

"Silence," Raiden called out.

Signora stared at Scaramouche in shock, going back to look at me.

"All of you harbingers will meet your end, and this time I'll be responsible for you." Raiden prepared for an attack, readying her sword.

Signora sprints towards her along with Scaramouche, trying to grab her weapon from her hands.

She easily dodged the joint attack and slashed Scaramouche in the back.

The boy fell forward but easily picked himself back up.

"Mother...you promised me!" he told her.

"You promised me much more than what you could ever give," she stated at him in pity.

Signora and Raiden fought, Scaramouche only joining in later on as I watched in the corner.

Everyone forgot I was even there, but it hurt seeing all of this happen.

Not too much time had passed when Raiden had both Signora and Scaramouche in a chokehold.

She lifted her head and met eyes with me, holding Scaramouche by the neck and putting the blade of her sword against Signora.



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