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Scaramouche and I were practically jumping around each other as we waited impatiently to be released from the boat.

A few minutes later we finally get to exit the boat and we ran around the docks, chanting tunes to each other.

"Thank you so much Beidou! And you too Kazuha!" I smile at them.

They wave me off and Scaramouche grabs my hand, leading me around the town.

"Come on Scara! Let's go see some of my friends!" I smile at him.

"Y/n you know I can't see them." he groans.

"Why? Will you get jealous?" I smirk at him.

"Yes, and I am a wanted man." he sounds proud of himself.

"Okay then...let's go wherever you want to go." I roll my eyes.

"Yae Miko!" he shouts and drags me.

It felt like I had been walking around for hours, and we even had to climb up a whole mountain to get to a shrine.

"Miko!" he shouts.

A tall woman walked toward him, she had ears and pink hair.

At this point, Teyvat doesn't even surprise me.

"Hello...it's definitely been a long time hasn't it?" she smiled at him.

They held a conversation as I looked around.

"So who is this lady?" she asks him.

"That's Y/n, I dragged her here." he smiles at me.

The woman stared at me before her eyes lit up.

"Y/n! Is that really you? Gosh, you're the talk of the nation!" she smiled but at the same time gave me a menacing look.

"What do you mean?" Scaramouche furrowed his eyebrows.

"Don't you know?" she smirked.

I stared at her worriedly and tried to motion that she didn't say a thing.

"What don't I know?" he put his hand on his hip.

"Y/n is always in Inazuma, we always got along well...she's allied with the Kamisato clan." she lied through her teeth.

Well, she didn't completely lie, I've never met this woman in my life, but I am allied with the Kamisato clan.

He stared at me with surprise on his face.

"Are those the friends you wanted to see?" he asks me.

"Yeah! I'm especially close with the leader, Ayato." I smile at him.

I watch as his smiling expression turn sour at my words.

"I think you two should be finding a place to stay...you can stay here if you'd like, we have an extra room for you two." she smiles at me.

Scaramouche gladly accepted it and grabbed my hand, making me walk with them.

As we trailed the temple, sakura blossoms fell around us.

Scaramouche took me aside and sat me down by the edge of the mountain.

He stared at me as I watched the sun disappear slowly.

"Y/n," he calls out.

"Hm?" I smile.

"Come closer...there's no need to stay so far." he groans and grabs my hand, pulling me closer to him.

We stare at each other, his hand in mine.

"Whatever happens...you'll be there for me right?" he asks.

"Of course, I will." I push the hair out of his face and lean closer.

He kisses me, holding my cheek in his palm.



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