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CHILDE AND I WOKE UP EARLY FOR THE NEXT DAY, we spent most of the day before chatting and sleeping.

A day I've been dreading since Signora entered my life has finally arrived.

I walk into my closet and start getting ready for the funeral.

I sigh as I sit down on my vanity, fixing up my appearance.

Childe stares at me from the foot of the bed, admiring me.

I stand up, put my large white coat on, and call Childe to put his on as well.

He walks over to me and stares down at me as I hand him the coat.

He pulls me in closer as he slips into his large jacket, hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead.

"I never had time to tell you that I liked you, but I prefer this." he smiles at me.

I stare at him in shock, not knowing what to say.

"It's okay though, let's make this day something better." he continues and holds my hand, leading me out of my room.

He lets go of my hand as we reach my father's office and opens the door for me.

"Y/n...you look stunning in what I bought you." Pierro smiled at me.

"Thank you, when are we leaving for the funeral?" I ask him.

"Soon, all harbingers shall be gathered downstairs; except Scaramouche, who will be running late." he stands up.

I nod my head and open the door for him following close behind with Childe.

We arrive at the funeral hall, it was grey and dull with a large white coffin in the middle, Harbingers gathered near it and spoke to each other.

Childe stayed next to me, waiting for Scaramouche to arrive.

"It's going to be okay," he whispers and tightly squeezed my hand.

Columbina stared at the door as it opened, revealing Scaramouche draped in a white coat.

He walked in, not daring to look at the others.

Dottore scoffed at his behaviour as he blatantly walked past him.

He stared at the coffin with a sour look on his face, yet a slight smirk.

He looked around, trying to find Childe.

He met eyes with Childe and walked up to him, dismissing me next to him.

He wasn't ignoring me, he didn't know who I was.

As they spoke, Pierro announced something at the head of the coffin.

We all gathered around the coffin together, I stood between Childe and Scaramouche; who still hasn't noticed me.

"We are gathered here to bid our last goodbyes to La Signora, and I believe that is best that The Wanderer bid hers first." he closed his eyes and nodded, moving out of the way so I could speak.

Everyone's head raised as soon as they heard the word 'Wanderer' trying to figure out who it was.

I slowly walked up to the head of the coffin, feeling all of the pairs of eyes on me.

I stared at Scaramouche who looked shocked, betrayed even.

I start my speech off by mentioning everything that Signora did for me and start going into detail about her death.

I glared at Scaramouche as I exposed all of his wrongdoings in that situation, all without even mentioning his name.

"It truly was devastating having to hold her body as she decayed into ash in my hands and that my companion ran away after I saved his life," I say.

"Signora was a beautiful woman, she deserved the world and a happy life; may she rest well in her desired reality." I smile and walk back to my place next to Childe.

Pierro nodded and returned back to the head, saying his speech that was prepared.

Childe smiled at me while Scaramouche stared at the floor, not daring to look at me.

Hours passed and we were finally dispersed, groups of harbingers spoke to each other.

I spoke to Childe until Scaramouche approached us, motioning for me to follow him.

Childe stared at me wearily but still let me go, keeping a close eye on me.

Scaramouche pulled me towards the corner of the hall and almost broke into tears.

"You- it was you all along! And I was lied to?" he confronted me.

"It was the best for all of us," I tell him.

"And you blame her death on me! How could you Y/n?!" he whispered.

"You betrayed me." I glare at him.

"Y/n, please...I didn't mean to." he pleaded.

I stared at him, not reacting to his pleas.

"Y/n I love you!" he confessed.




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