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I SMILE AT HIM EXCITEDLY and say "Yes!" without a doubt in my head.

He looked surprised at my swift response and smiled at me with excitement clear behind his eyes.

He grabs my hand and runs with me towards the gates of Liyue harbour.

"We will go everywhere together I promise you!" he exclaims.

"We better!" I jump in the air as we're running.

As we're walking around the harbour we stare at all of the lights and different stands for the festival set up.

"It's lanternrite! That's why I'm here because my clothes are being tailored." I say proudly.

"Oh my- let's have a date underneath the lanterns!" he ran around me.

"I met you roughly five hours ago."

"Okay but like- a friend type of date yeah!" he tries to cover up his failed attempt at flirting with me.

"Are you hungry? Because I know some good restaurants here." I ask him.

"I'm fucking starving, but I don't want to waste your money," he tells me.

"No no, I have enough money don't you worry." I smile at him and take him to the closest outdoor restaurant I could find.

"I love having a sugar mommy, with nice tits too..." he had a dreamy look on his face.

I get us a table by the veranda that was looking out the harbour and we could see any ships sailing in and out.

"You're taking me on a date now." he rolled his eyes.

"Just order your food and shut up." I smack his hand off of my wallet.

While we were staring at the menu a figure approached us.

"Scaramouche? Found yourself a new toy I see." a ginger man stares at us.

"Yeah, the one you saved from getting her ass beaten by guards." he chuckled.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the term "toy" but continued listening.

"Why are you two here? You taking her out on a date?" he smirks.

"No, I'm paying for it." I glare at him.

"A sugar mommy is it? Hope it lasts longer than the other girls." he laughed as he walked off.

"Are you jealous?~ there's a sour look on your face sweetheart." he grins.

"Why would I be jealous, that's fucking ridiculous." I laugh.

"But refer to me as a toy I'd be glad to spilt this fucking bill." I glare at him.

Scaramouche stared at me with worry and kept quiet.

"But anyways, some of the lights are being released!" I point at them excitedly.

He stands up rapidly and grabs my hand, dragging me out of my chair and he climbs onto one of the verandas.

He pulls me up and holds me for balance as we stare at the lanterns being relaxed into the sky.

My eyes light up, a smile wide on my face.

For the past 5 years, I've watched this light show alone.

It's the first time that someone has actually been by my side for this beautiful festival.

Romantic or not, he's a joy to be around even though I only met him recently.



𝐃𝐎 𝐈𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄 || 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐄 ||Where stories live. Discover now