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THE BOAT FINALLY ANCHORED AT LIYUE HARBOUR, and Kazuha dreaded the thought of letting me go again.

"What if you get kidnapped?!" he worries.

"Don't worry about me." I laugh and hug him.

He looks down at me and kisses my forehead, hugging me tightly.

"Okay Y/n...I'll see you soon right?" he smiles at me.

I nod at him and bid my goodbyes to the crew on the boat.

I trailed Liyue harbour by myself, fearing that I'd encounter any guards who caught Scaramouche and me breaking the law.

I leaned on the veranda, staring at the ships offloading their cargo.

"Hey! You're banned from the harbour!" A voice calls out.

I turn towards the voice and freeze in fear, not knowing what to do.

"Calm down, she's with me; we're bound to leave soon." A voice laughs and walks towards me.

The ginger hair was easy to recognise and that smirk of his was infamous.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the situation, pulling me aside to a place more confined.

"Thanks for saving me, Childe." I sigh in relief.

"Wanderer is it...your father requests your presence for La Signora's funeral," Childe says seriously.

I stare at him with shock clear on my face, unable to understand what he was saying since it had been such a long time since I was last called Wanderer.

"How do you know it's me?" I ask him.

"We got a letter this morning, everyone needs to be in Snezhnaya by tomorrow so the funeral can be held the following day," he tells me.

"So they let you know that I was the wanderer?" I smirk.

"I was personally assigned to do this, nobody else is aware of it." he laughs.

"Good, I don't want every harbinger to know I am." I laugh at him.

"Our trip starts today," he says.

I simply nod and keep following.

"Apparently you killed Signora." he starts.

I stare at him, a piece of my soul slightly tearing at the name.

"I would never, I was involved with her death though." I keep my eyes on the floor.

"Scaramouche was involved too, but it was a gnosis misunderstanding." Childe continues.

"I won't talk about a mission I was involved with," I say.

"You really are good at your harbinger act aren't you?" he laughs.

"Daughter of the hierarchy, I am expected as such."

"Your father feels pity for you, his letter to you was handwritten," Childe tells me.

"Signora was a mother to me, however, I am not allowed to go into detail; all I can say is that it was a life or death situation," I tell him.

"Understandable, we will be transported to Snezhnaya soon," he says.

"Good, except I'm not particularly happy that all of the harbingers will find out who I am."

"Scaramouche will be there, I can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out," Childe says excitedly.

I laugh at his excitement and continue walking.



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