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WE RAN THE STREETS OF LIYUE TOGETHER, even though countless people stared at us while doing so.

I couldn't care less, I felt so incredibly happy at this moment.

A stranger, who literally walked into my life is running the busy streets of Liyue with me.

At this point, it was nearing midnight and we were still full of energy.

We stop at another veranda and we stare at the water.

This certain part of the harbour was empty, only illuminated by the street lights and the lanterns in the sky.

"Jump in with me," he demanded.

"That illegal!- we can't do that?" I tell him.

"Babe, I have broken every single rule in place, just jump in with me." he laughed as he took off his shirt and his hat.

I sigh and cave in, taking off my shirt and leaving my pants on.

"Ooh your boobs suit that bra." he complimented me.

I roll my eyes and climb over the rails, getting ready to jump into the ocean.

"Isn't it going to be cold?" I say worriedly.

"The ocean will only get hotter when we're in it," he smirks at me and grabs my hand.

"Scara wait-" I scream while he pulls me and jumps off the rails.

A loud crash of water was heard when we finally reached the bottom.

"Ho- holy shit it's cold!" I squeal.

"Oh please it's not that cold." he rolls his eyes and swims around me.

He comes towards me and leans close to my face, brushing away any stray strands of hair.

"Hey, you! It's against the law to jump into the water!" a voice above shouted.

We both look up to find a set of three guards by the rails staring down at us, armed and ready to strike.

"Fuck! How will we get out of this?" I panic.

"Don't worry, I have an idea," he smirks.

He gets out of the water and calmly walks towards the guards, trying to negotiate with them by the seems of it.

He raised his voice, shouting the word "Soldiers!" and a troop of fatui soldiers emerged from the ground, in a fighting stance.

The guards backed off wearily, trying not to cause a commotion.

"Well then, do we really want to ruin such a beautiful night? I don't think so, but if you disagree in any form you are more than welcome to come against my troop of soldiers." he chuckled and grabbed the rest of the clothes while I pulled myself out of the water and followed him.

"How did you do that?!" I laugh as we're running.

"Okay we need to get the fuck out of here, I'll be blacklisted from Liyue if we don't." he grabs my hand as we both run out of the gates.

We hike up to one of the nearby hills and lie down, staring at the lanterns in the sky.

It truly was beautiful, yet my clothes are still soaking wet.

"We should go to Inazuma soon, I have family there," he mentions.

"Almost everyone knows me in Inazuma by now, and I have a good friend who is willing to take us there," I explain to him.

"You realise I'm a wanted man right? I can't go on commercial ships anymore," he tells me.

I stare at him worriedly, does this mean I'm also wanted?

Well, I am sought after, but nobody knows who I am exactly.

My professional name is sought after, not my actual name.

The harbingers have all been informed of a wandering traveller throughout the lands, they must not harm the traveller, since they are allied.

This isn't the traveler with the small fairy, this traveller is an underground harbinger.

Nobody knows who they are, but everyone is after them.



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