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AFTER HOURS, we finally arrived at where the boat was anchored.

Scaramouche kept complaining about his shoes not being to handle the sand, but I just kept calling him a baby.

Scaramouche and I sigh in relief when we see the boat and I run towards Beidou who was talking to Kazuha.

"Y/n!" she exclaimed and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Hello, Y/n!" Kazuha smiled at me.

After a bit of catching up, I brought up the question.

"Are you guys going to Inazuma?" I ask.

"Yeah! We are just about to leave." Beidou smiles at me.

I stare at Scaramouche and drag him into the conversation.

"Would you mind taking us with you, there is no other way that we can get to Inazuma otherwise."

"Of course Y/n! Are you all packed?" she asks.

"Yeah! We walked all the way from Mondstadt to get here in time." I laugh.

Scaramouche smiles at me and starts jumping around.

"Alrighty then you two, get on the boat and there will be a room that you can stay in." she waves us off as we run onto the boat.

"You did it Y/n!" he cheered.

"We did it! I can't believe it." I laugh along and grab his hand.

We run up the deck and we stare at the view excitedly.

I drag him to the nose of the boat so we can get a better view of everything around us.

He hugs me tightly and still keeps holding my hand.

"Thank you so much...I wouldn't have been able to do it without you." he smiles at me.

He stares at me and leans in to kiss me.

He placed his lips on mine and I wrap my arms around his neck, enjoying every second of it.

I haven't been with him for long, but I feel like I've known him for years.

He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine, staring deeply into my eyes.

I smile and hug him once again thinking of the entire trip we had to get here.

When we got chased by a squad of hilichurls and neither of us was armed or prepared for any form of battle.

Or when he got stung by a really weird-looking bug.

And when I tripped over a hoard of sleeping, treasure hoarders.

All of it was worth it, the "dates" we went on, the number of times we ran into Childe, and every single time we had to run away from authorities.

I've really gotten to know this man, and he isn't as bad as I once thought he was.

Of course, he can't get enough of my boobs, but we can easily resolve that.

It definitely wasn't a mistake getting to know him, I mean I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am now without him.

I don't know this feeling, and I can't afford to love someone, but there's definitely a form of emotion I've gathered for Scaramouche.



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