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WE WALKED THROUGH AN EMPTY FIELD TOGETHER, laughing over the night before.

I could see in the near distance that we were approaching the city of the wind, guarded by Barbatos, but he doesn't really do much.

Scaramouche and I are walking happily and talking about life experiences that we've had until he brought up a topic I'm not too fond of...

"Have you heard of the wandering traveller?"

"The blonde one with the fairy?"

"No not that one, I'm trying to kill those two." he laughed.

"Then who?"

"Amongst the Harbingers there is a certain one that has always been thrown into the conversation, they're a wandering traveller."


"Except when we were told about this wanderer, we weren't told their gender or anything! So everyone is on the lookout for this fucking guy!" Scaramouche laughed.

"Oh my...and has anyone found them yet?" I ask inquisitively.

"They stated that there have been a few spottings, but I believe they're all bullshit, if anyone is going to find that wanderer, it's going to be me!" he said proudly.

"You seem really fond of that traveller, is there something you're not telling me?" I raise my eyebrows and smirk at him.

"No- no! Of course not." he crossed his arms.

In the distance, I can see a familiar face and I point it out to Scaramouche.

"Look it's the traveller." I point.

"What- where!" he looked around frantically, thinking it was the harbinger he had previously spoken about.

He stopped his search when his eyes landed on the familiar blonde traveller.

He glared at the figure but either way, we continued walking.

The traveller's little fairy approached us and frantically asked us questions.

Scaramouche and I stared at each other awkwardly and waited until the traveler approached us, but they weren't alone this time.

Mondstadt's infamous astrologist was with them, and a girl with a crow?
Odd pet to have just following you, but what can I say; one of them has a fucking fairy.

Small chat was started and Scaramouche stared at me awkwardly.
He furrowed his eyebrows and glared at them before opening his mouth.

Before he could even say anything he was cut off by the astrologist taking them away swiftly.

"Doesn't look like you have the balls to capture the traveller does it?" I laugh at him.

Scaramouche scoffs and walks ahead, going on a tangent about his missed opportunity.

I laughed at every remark he made about the traveller trio and tried to cheer him up.

"I don't want bullshit right now Y/n." he rolled his eyes.

"I'll show you my tits." I sigh.

His eyes lit up and he immediately was in a good mood, asking me where and when I would show him.

Time passed and the idea of going to Inazuma started looming in our conversations.

I wasn't against it at all, I was actually excited to go back there and maybe see some of my friends.

I stare at him and say that we should go.

He stares back at me with a wide smile and starts jumping around excitedly.



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