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SCARAMOUCHE AND I STARTED WALKING LAST NIGHT, but we stopped at an inn halfway through.

There's no way I'll walk at night, especially with this guy.

We woke up early the next morning and began our infamous trip.

Scaramouche yawned and scratched his neck with a loud sigh.

"What's up with you now.." I groan.

"You made me sleep on the floor last night, you realise how heartbreaking that is?"

"How come." I roll my eyes.

"I thought last night would've been my chance to finally rock your world." he sighed.

I push him out of the way and walk ahead, this guy simply can't get enough of me.

"So Inazuma starts now!" I smile and jump around.

"We're not even out of Mondstadt yet and you're already fantasising about Inazuma." he laughs at me.

"Well, why do you want to go there again?"

"My mom."

"You have a mom?" I ask him.

"You could say she's my creator, but she's the Raiden Shogun," he tells me.

"Your mom is the Raiden Shogun?" I look at him with shock clear on my face.

"Yeah but we don't get along too well..." he frowns.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"She betrayed me, basically using me as a puppet," he explains.

"Do you know why?"

"She only valued strength, obviously I wasn't enough." he groans.

"So I presume you plan to steal that gnosis back?" I ask him.

"How do you know what a gnosis is?" he enquires.

My mask slipped and I'm deeply regretting it, why did I ask that?


"Anyways, La Signora is after her gnosis and I plan on getting there first," he says proudly.

La Signora, the blonde lady.

I've always had a close connection with her, I see a motherly figure in her.

She raised me when my father was absent while being with the Harbingers.

I always have a great time when I see her while travelling around, she is the only Harbinger apart from my father who is aware that I am the wandering traveller.

She has always taken care of me and has always worried about my well-being.

She was beside herself when my father told her that I would be running around Teyvat by myself.

She worried that I would be hunted down and kidnapped by a treasure hoarder for money.

Which has happened, and she saved me from my inevitable death.

She scolded my father about letting me be by myself, but that obviously didn't make him change his mind.

Singora is not my mother, she was simply a figure and a big role in my life.

Though I would do anything to be her biological daughter, she's a really kind woman.

To me of course.

Scaramouche stared at the distance and groaned heavily.

I stare at him weirdly and ask what's going on.

He points at a man not too far from us and starts throwing a tantrum.

"Are you upset because you don't want to see your ginger boyfriend?"



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