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Like my name suggests, I have always enjoyed reading. Matilda being one of my favourites. I was first given the book for Christmas in 1990 when I was 9 by my mother and written inside was

My dear Tilda, Merry Christmas my girl! Wishing you all of the love and laughter in the world. Never stop being you. Love from Mummy xxx

I still had the book, and many more than that. I was hoping to do an English Literature degree once I had finished my A-Levels. I received my GCSE results last week and did well enough to stay at my school for Sixth Form. I spent a few days staying with one of my best friends, Annabel to celebrate and today after going home to collect some of my things, I'm flying up to Scotland to spend the last few days of the summer holidays with my younger brothers.

I left Annabel's house on Tuesday morning with her mother driving me to the station so that I could get the train back into London. I stopped for a coffee at Waterloo before getting a cab across town to Kensington Palace. The taxi dropped me off at the gates and one of the personal protection officers gave me some stick for not calling one of them to get me from the station instead. I always felt pretentious climbing into the back of a blacked out car with a driver and personal protection officer outside Waterloo Station. I spent my life in the back of those cars, so for once, to not go in one and go in a taxi like everyone else, felt quite nice.

I proceeded past the protection officers, by the gates and walked across the courtyard to our apartment. I unlocked the front door and walked in with my small suitcase just behind me before closing the door. It felt cold in the house, despite it being August. It was very quiet. Kensington Palace was usually like that in the summer months because everyone spent their time out of the town and in the country or abroad on holiday. The boys were at Balmoral with Papa already and Mummy was on a yacht in the Mediterranean with her boyfriend Dodi and some of his family. I spoke to her on the day of my GCSE results and told her how I did. She was incredibly excited and said we'd have plenty of time to celebrate when she, the boys and I were all back together next Sunday. She had had a busy few months with work and trips and her birthday celebrations that to have a break on a yacht for a few days in the sun was great for her especially as she had a busy time coming for the rest of the year too.

I switched on the kettle and made myself a cup of tea before going up to my room and unpacking and then repacking my bag. Very different clothes were needed for Balmoral as opposed to partying and hanging out with my friends. For that I needed nice dresses and skirts with little tops but for Balmoral, I needed jodhpurs and jumpers and wax jackets and wellies. I packed them, along with a few books. I loved being invited into Granny's drawing room and reading with her after lunch or on a wet morning when we were there.

Once I was packed, I got in the shower and then got dressed into a pair of jeans, a t shirt and then put on some trainers and a long wool coat. I took my bag and my handbag down to the front entrance hall of the house and returned my mug to the kitchen. When I opened the front door, there was a car waiting outside the door to take me to the airport. I brought my suitcase outside and let the driver put it into the car while I locked the front door.

That evening, when I stepped off the plane at Aberdeen airport, Papa was stood outside the car with Harry by his side. I smiled as I walked down the steps and Harry ran across the tarmac. I gave him a huge hug before we walked with our arms around each other back across the tarmac to the car. Papa hugged me while our driver put my bags in the boot of the car and Harry climbed in the back. I got in beside him and then Pa got in the front. We drove the hour long journey to Balmoral and when we got there, Granny was out on the front driveway with Beatrice, Anne and Zara. There were dogs running around everywhere and William and Peter were over on the lawn trying to start up Grandpa's old Land Rover again. Every summer, Grandpa tells them that he'll buy them each a car if they can get the car going and every summer, they try and try and can't do it.

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