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"So Mummy, you'll have a few days on the boat in Italy and then when will I see you again?" I asked my mother as I sat beside her suitcase on her bed.

"The following Sunday. I'l fly home from Paris after being on the yacht and you and the boys will return from Scotland too. Then the four of us will be back here on Sunday evening for a few days before you all go back to school." she told me as she walked to and from her wardrobe, packing various items of clothing.

"That's over a month of not seeing each other Mummy." I said quietly when she returned from her wardrobe. She held her hand to my cheek and stroked it lightly with her thumb.

"And I will miss you each and every one of those days my love." she said, smiling. "It'll go by in a flash. A few weeks riding and out in the countryside in Scotland then a week down here with your friends before a few more days up in Scotland and finally back here with me at the end of the month." I smiled at her as she rubbed my cheek again. "I need someone to keep check of your brothers while I'm away don't I?" she added and we both giggled.

"I'll keep them in line." I told her, before continuing to watch her pack her suitcase.

"Mummy, do you want some help?" Jamie asked as he walked into my bedroom and sat down on the ottoman at the end of our bed.

"I think I'm alright Jamie, but I'd love for you to sit and chat to me." I told him as I folded my things into my suitcase.

"Can you tell me about the places you're going on your adventure?" he asked, fiddling with the zips of my suitcase.

"Well, first I go on a really long flight all the way to Australia, then I'll spend five days in Australia visiting lots of different people and places and then I'll get on another plane and fly a couple of hours over to New Zealand and spend three days there, then I'll fly home, back to you three." I explained.

"And while you're away, will we be able to call?" he asked.

"I should think so, Canberra and Sydney, where I'll be in Australia will be eleven hours in front of here, so Daddy could call in the car on the way to school in the morning and then I'll be just about to go to bed." I said, before getting up and walking into my wardrobe to find my tights. 

"And you'll be back in time for our school holidays?" he asked loudly from the ottoman.

"Yes, my love, I'll be home the day you finish school for half term, but it'll be late, so Daddy will pick you up and then I'll be home a little later. And on the Sunday, we'll fly to Malta for our holiday for the week." I explained, returning from my wardrobe. I sat back down on the floor and Jamie climbed into my lap.

"I'll miss you Mummy." he said quietly, tucking his head into my chest as I rested my chin on his soft blonde hair.

"I'll miss you more my little boy." I said, before kissing his head. 

That evening, once both of the boys were in bed, I went into my office and sat at my desk on my computer. Henry was playing rugby in Manchester tomorrow so his team had gone up the night before. I read through some emails and replied to a couple as well before deciding that I'd done enough work for the evening. As I sat and drank my cup of tea, my computer screen started to play pictures through the screensaver. I sipped my tea as I looked through the pictures. The boys were tiny in some of these, or at least they felt tiny, to the now eleven and seven year old boys who lived in our house. 

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