Undying love

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The following Christmas, we were exactly where we wanted to be. We got married in August so by Christmas had been married for almost 5 months. We were now known as the Duke and Duchess of Albany. In September, I had started my first teaching job, which despite the madness, I was really enjoying. Henry was still playing rugby and was thinking about joining the army as well, to create a career for himself for when he retires. 

We spent Christmas this year with my family, up in Sandringham. It was lovely to have last year with Henry's family, but it made me really miss my own so it was lovely to spend that time with them. Wills, Harry and Henry all had an absolute ball spending five entire days winding me up. It was so lovely to see the boys laugh and smile, without it being put on. The genuine happiness was evident by the looks on their faces.

For New Year, Henry and I welcomed, Wills, Harry, Zara and Peter to our house, the one that we dreamed about the year before. We all danced and drank until way after midnight and had the most amazing night, before dragging ourselves out of bed and over to Henry's parents house for lunch the following day. Zara felt so ill that she could barely eat, while I felt sick at the smell of Suzy's cauliflower cheese.

Henry played rugby the following day so we went up to watch him before Wills, Harry, Zara and Peter all made their way home. Henry's parents and I celebrated his win with dinner and a drink in the pub in the village that evening, before just the two of us returned home together, for the first time since Christmas.

"There's actually something that I forgot to give you on Christmas Day." Henry said to me as he appeared in the doorway of the living room after he had got changed into his pyjamas. He put his hand in his pocket as he walked towards me and as he reached me he pulled out a tiny set of keys.

"What are these for? To open a tiny house?" I asked as he handed me them. He didn't say anything but instead pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to me.

To open a box full of memories and happiness whenever and wherever you need it. A place to remember our life together and our childhood dreams, a place where no one is forgotten and love always lies.

You'll have my undying love always, H xx

"I don't get it, I don't understand what it opens." I said to Henry once I'd read it.

"Come here." he said putting his hand on mine and getting up from the sofa. I followed him as he led me through to his office. On the table was a box with a padlock on the front. Henry nodded towards the box before I used the key to unlock it. Henry stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "For everything you want to remember, every plane ticket, every flower, every receipt, every photo, I want you to remember them, I want you to remember them so that one day we can look through this when we're old and have great grandchildren and never forget the life that we live together." he told me as his chin rested on my shoulder and I looked down into the empty box in front of me. "And to start it off, this." he shuffled around behind me before placing a small picture in my hand, of Mummy and I sat on a yacht in Italy when I was two or three. "I want everyone to know that she was your mother, everyone in our family should know that this is where you came from." he said. Still holding the picture in my hand, I turned around and put my arms around his neck. 

"I love you, thank you." I whispered in his ear. "I know I don't tell you that enough." I began to say before the phone rang in the hallway. I pulled away from Henry as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll go." he said before kissing my forehead and then leaving his office. I went back to the table and looked at the box. I picked the photo up, and gently stroked the image of my mother's cheek. "Hey, Til, something's happened, we need to go." Henry said as he walked back into the room. His face was white as a sheet and his green eyes wide but dark.

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