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When we got back home, to Woodside, Henry and I both noticed the additional personal protection on the gate, however neither of the boys batted an eyelid. Henry's parents car was in the driveway and I could see Figgy through the window of the snug stood on the edge of the sofa. When Henry stopped the car engine, Monty undid his seatbelt and came forward to between the two front seats.

"Do you remember our house Monts?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I do and I remember the treehouse in the field from the people who lived in your house before." he said.

"You're right, maybe you and Henry could go and walk down there this afternoon while Jamie sleeps a bit longer." I suggested and him and Henry both looked at each other and nodded.

"Come on then buddy, we'll take Figgy with us." Henry said, opening his car door. I did the same and Monty climbed through the gap and got out of my door behind me. I opened the car door and lifted Jamie out of his car seat. As I did, Henry's parents came out of the house and introduced themselves to Monty. I expected him to be shy but he was bold and brave and it almost brought a tear to my ear as I walked towards them, holding a sleeping Jamie in my arms.

"Travel cot is set up in the spare bedroom darling." Suzy said, placing her hand on her arm as I walked towards them. We hadn't been able to find a travel cot at Amy and Leo's so luckily Henry's parents kept one for when his sisters came to stay with their children. I walked upstairs and put Jamie in the travel cot in the spare bedroom before returning downstairs to the kitchen. "Henry has taken Monty over to the tree house with Ralph." Suzy said when I walked into the kitchen and she was filling the kettle. "Do you want a cup of tea?"

"Yes please." I said, sitting down at the island.

"It's probably stupid of me to ask, but are you ok?" she said, turning away from the kettle and looking at me.

"I think I'm just in complete shock. I really can't believe it Suzy, none of the past 12 hours feels real." I said to her.

"How are the boys?" she asked.

"Jamie doesn't really understand what's happening. And Monty, he's been quite quiet. I think it's just taking time for him to process this in his own head. Henry's the same." I told her.

"He has always been a boy of few words. Have the police said anything else since this morning?" She asked as the kettle boiled and she turned around and poured water into our two mugs.

"Not really, they've searched the man's house but found very little. He's been put into a coma, so they can't question him yet. They've also said we need to apply for a special guardianship order for the boys. Amy and Leo's lawyer has confirmed us as their guardians in their will." I explained to her as she set two mugs down on the island in front of us.

"What's your father said?" Suzy asked after I thanked her for my tea.

"I haven't got through to him yet. I spoke to my grandmother this morning, but Papa is down in Gloucestershire with Camilla. He'll be out in the gardens or something." I told her.

"I'm sure he will. Why don't you call him? See if he answers?" she said.

"I will, I'll take the boys' things upstairs and listen out for Jamie as well." I told her, taking the cup of tea and walking out of the kitchen.

The rest of that day got progressively harder as Jamie was tired and cried for what felt like hours almost screaming for his Mummy as Henry and I desperately tried to figure out what was wrong with him. Monty was quiet and although had a few moments of tears or sadness throughout the day, he was the hardest when it came to putting him to bed. Henry swayed Jamie until he fell asleep while I lay in bed beside Monty and stroked his cheek softly as he sobbed before eventually falling asleep as well. Henry's parents were still here when I went back downstairs after putting Monty to bed and then having a shower. We'd eaten dinner with the boys but Suzy poured me a glass of wine as Henry put his arms around me.

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