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"I actually have a favour to ask of you both." William said to Harry and I as we all sat around the table in his kitchen having supper one evening a few weeks after Henry, the boys and I had returned from Malta.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Harry asked before taking another bite of food.

"Well, now that it's public that Catherine and I getting married, I wondered if I could ask the two of you to be my best man and woman at the wedding." he said. Harry and I both looked at him and then to each other.

"Of course we will mate." Harry said, getting up from his chair and hugging Wills. 

"I would be honoured Wills." I said as I hugged him too and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks guys, Kate's asking Pippa this evening if she'll be her maid of honour." he explained as Harry and I sat back down.

"You know what they say about the best man and the maid of honour." I said, nudging Harry's arm beside me. The boys both laughed.

"Shut up Tal." Harry said as he blushed. 

"Obviously there is some ceremony in the role but I wanted the two of you to do it because I couldn't pick who I'd rather have with me on the day I get married." he explained. "And Tal, I was hoping to ask the boys if they would be page boys, do you think they would be up for it?" he continued.

"I'm sure they will." I told him "They'd love to." 

"We best get organising the stag night then Tal." Harry said as him and William both laughed.

"Nothing too crazy please, I don't want to be completely shamed right before the wedding." William said, rolling his eyes at Harry who would take so much pleasure in embarrassing our brother.

"Don't worry, it will all be a great surprise, we could do a whole weekend." Harry said. I could see his mind was already ticking away with ideas.

"I may have to send Henry in my place unfortunately." I said, both of them looking up from their food.

"Why? Couldn't Suzy and Mike have the boys for you?" Harry asked.

"It's not the boys who are the issue." I paused, looking at them both. "I'm pregnant." I told them both. They both smiled before getting off their chairs to congratulate me. 

"Does that mean you're due before the wedding?" Wills asked as he sat back down.

"No, no, I'm not due until May, I'm only twelve weeks. I'll be the size of the house at the wedding, as long as everything goes ok." I told them.

"Hey, sis, just because something bad happened last time, it doesn't mean the same thing will happen again." Harry said, placing his hand on mine.

"I know, I know and I'm further along this time than last time so fingers crossed we're past the danger zone. Henry and I have a scan on Wednesday, then we'll tell Granny and Papa and then the news will be public by the following week." I told them.

"Well, it looks like massive congratulations are due all round then." Harry said, raising his glass. "To Wills and his best people and to Tallie and her newest addition to the family." We all raised our glasses and repeated him before taking a sip.

I drove home that night, back to Woodside and when I got there, the boys and Henry were all fast asleep. I went in and gave each of the boys a kiss before going into our bedroom.

"Hello you, how was dinner with your brothers?" Henry asked as I changed into my pyjamas.

"Hey, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." I said as I leant over and kissed him. "It was really good. Wills wants Harry and I to be his best man and woman at the wedding." I told him.

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