Twinkly Tallie

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The following day was Sunday, and while Henry took the boys to play rugby and then to a birthday party, I drove up to Windsor to see Granny and Grandpa. Henry and I had talked about going to see Granny together, but we couldn't find a day and time that worked with the two of us being so busy at the moment, so we decided that I would go and tell Granny, Grandpa and my father and Camilla on my own.

Logistically, there was a lot to sort out. We would need to write a statement which would be put out into the press and as well as that, the complication of carrying twins meant that there were added elements of uncertainty which my family hadn't had for a number of years.

Papa was waiting outside on the Upper Ward Lawn when I pulled my car in through the archway and onto the driveway. I parked beside his car and then climbed out and hugged him, kissing each of his cheeks as I did.

"Hello Tallie my darling, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm good thank you Pa, how are you?" I replied as we pulled away.

"I'm very well." he said as I got my handbag out of the car and locked it behind me. "Your Grandmother is so looking forward to seeing you." he said. She had invited us all here for lunch and it just so happened that it was on the same weekend that Henry and I had planned to tell her about my pregnancy.

"I am as well, Henry sends his apologies, he's taken the boys to rugby and then Jamie's going to his best friend's birthday party." I explained as we walked inside.

"Well I'm sure they'll have a wonderful day, you know how I always love to have you to myself. I feel as though I haven't seen you for such a long time." He said, putting his arm around me and squeezing me into him as we approached Granny's drawing room.

"I have missed you as well." I said, by which time, we had reached the door of Granny's drawing room and Papa went inside and I followed behind him. I greeted Granny, with a kiss and a curtsy and then said hello to Grandpa and Camilla as well, before we sat down together on the sofas. Grandpa asked about the boys and their rugby while Granny asked about my recent trip to Australia and New Zealand and our half term holiday to Malta.

"And I hear from your office that you're off on yet another tour of Cyprus in the New Year, but you've cancelled the Canada tour in June and you're no longer going to the Women's Football World Cup in Germany." Granny said.

"Yes, I had a bit of a diary clash and the tour in Canada wasn't announced so we figured, we could drop it." I told them.

"What sort of diary clash was more important than the World Cup? You've been for the last three, I thought it was one of your favourites." Grandpa said, abruptly.

"I've actually got a rather important diary clash with the World Cup." I said, pulling the scan photo from my pocket and showing it to the four of them, who all looked shocked as they held their hands to their mouths.

"Oh Tallie, that's such amazing news." Pa said as he stood up from the sofa. I stood up as well and hugged him tight. "I'm so happy for the pair of you." he said, pulling away as I handed the scan photo to Camilla and then hugged Granny.

"Mimi, I'm so happy for you. A baby for our family, in June?" she questioned.

"Probably May." I told her.

"Hold on," Camilla interrupted as she looked closely at the scan photo. "This isn't right, is it?"

"What is it?" Pa asked, as he looked at the photo as well. "Twins Matilda?" he questioned.

"Yes, we're having twins." I said. Granny put her arms around me and hugged me again.

"Two new babies in the family, it's such a miracle Mimi." Granny said before pulling away. Grandpa, Papa and Camilla all congratulated me again in turn before we sat back down on the sofas together.

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