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After two days in hospital, we were allowed to go home. Henry drove slower than he had ever driven before all the way from the hospital back to our house. It was painful to watch, but as I sat between the twins in the back of the car and watched the boys jumping up and down on the driveway as we pulled in, I understood why he was doing what he was doing. 

Henry helped me out of the car as his parents and the boys took the twins car seats inside and to the living room, where we all sat on the sofa, with all of them wanting a hold of the babies. I sat down with Monty and Suzy beside me while Henry unpacked the car with his Dad. I watched them all as I sat in the corner of the sofa and thought about how happy I was to be home, back with my family, back with the boys. And even though I knew that the next chapter of our lives wasn't going to be easy, I was so glad it was happening. 

The next few days, were both restful and tiring all at the same time. The boys were at school and Henry was still going to work, so during the day, it was mostly just the twins and I with the occasional visit from Henry's parents or his sisters. The twins and I fell into a routine pretty quickly and by the time I'd fed them at midday and had my lunch, I was usually fast asleep by the time Henry got home before going back out to collect the boys. 

By the following weekend, it felt as if the twins had always been here and I was glad to have both the boys at home from school as well as Henry's parents as he was off playing rugby this afternoon. He got home about 5pm and showered before starting to cook dinner, as my father and Camilla were coming over for dinner this evening too.

"You alright love?" Suzy asked, as she settled herself on the sofa beside me with Ettie in her arms. Henry was in the kitchen making dinner and his father was upstairs with the boys building Lego. Teddy was asleep in the Moses basket on the other side of the room. I nodded and let my head fall to her shoulder as I looked down at Ettie. "Your body must be exhausted darling." she said and I nodded again. As I did, tears began to form in my eyes and I couldn't hold it in any longer. "Hey, Matilda, what is it? It's alright." she said, placing Ettie down on her legs and pulling me into her. She hushed and shushed and stroked my hair like my mother used to. "What's with all the tears?" she asked.

"I just wish she was here." I said quietly as I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Oh darling, I bet you do." she said, squeezing me tight. We stayed like that for a while, as I sobbed, Suzy held me close to her and I closed my eyes. If it weren't for the different perfume, I would think now, that it was my own mother who was holding me tight like this. I can remember her holding me tight, as if she never wanted to let me go and I remember thinking that I wished she'd stop, but now, I wish more than anything that she were here to do it again. 

"Hey Mum, can I get you a dri-" I heard Henry's voice call as he made his way into the living room. "Tild, what's the matter?" he said in a quieter tone as I lifted my head from Suzy's shoulder and looked at him. "Hey, Tild what's going on?" he said, sitting down on the sofa beside me and pulling me into him.

"I think becoming a mother has reminded her of how truly great her own mother was, hasn't it Matilda?" Suzy said. I was glad she answered. I didn't have the energy or the capability to put into words how I was feeling. I lifted my head from Henry's shoulder and he smiled at me, stroking the hair out of my face. He was just about to say something when Ettie started the cry on the sofa beside Suzy. I sat up and took Ettie from her.

"You're due a feed aren't you little girl? Will you get Teddy too, Hen." I said, settling Ettie in my arms and beginning to feed her. Henry went over to get Teddy and brought him over, waking him up as he did so that he could have a feed as well.

"I'll give you two a minute." Suzy told us as she got up from the sofa. I caught her hand as she did.

"Thank you Suzy." I said to her as she turned back to look at me.

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