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"Would you mind giving us a minute?" Henry asked the midwife as he paced at the end of the bed. She nodded and quietly left the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Would you calm down? You're putting me on edge." I said once the door was shut and I'd heard the footsteps in the corridor get quieter.

"I'm sorry Tild, but this is our family we're talking about." he said. 

"I know that, but Henry, the press are starting to sniff around and it's not going to be a secret for much longer. So we may as well put it out now, before everyone catches wind of something going on." I explained to him. Henry stopped pacing and placed his hands at the end of my bed before taking a deep breath. We both looked at each other for a minute or two before Henry took another deep breath and walked around to my bed, so he perched on the edge beside me.

"I'm sorry, show me the statement." he said calmly. I reached for my phone from beside the bed and passed it to him and watched while he read what was written on it. As he read, the tiny baby on my chest grunted slightly, which drew Henry's attention away from my phone.

"Hey, you alright little one?" he whispered as I stroked the baby's head. We looked at each other and smiled.

"Is that ok with you? They are just as much your children as they are mine." I said, pointing to my phone. Henry placed it back on the bedside table and then held onto my hand.

"Yes, it is. I'm sorry for overreacting like I did, but when the woman I adore brings two new lives into the world, it just makes me want to put my arms around you all and never let go, never let anyone in." he explained.

"I know Hen, I just want it to be our little bubble, just for a little while." I said, before we both looked down at the sleeping baby on my chest and the other one, who lay in the crib beside my bed. "Have we told everyone we want to tell in person? I would hate for someone to find out on the news that we really should have told in person." 

"I think everyone knows, or we've sent the message and they just haven't seen it yet." Henry said. 

"They'll get back to us in time." I told him as he stood up and lifted the sleeping baby out of the crib and then sat back down.

"I guess after the announcement, we should start thinking about what we're going to call these two." Henry said, settling himself beside me so I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at the twins sleeping in front of us.

"Well you know the names that I like." I said.

"And you think they suit them?" he asked.

"I think this little girl would be the gorgeous Elizabeth and I think our lovely little boy would perfectly suit Edward." I said stroking each of their heads in turn.

"And they will be our Ettie and our Teddy." he said, kissing the top of my head.

"To go with our Monty and Jamie." I whispered as I let my head rest on Henry's shoulder and my eyes close too.

"They'll be here with my parents in a little while Tild, let me put these two in the crib and you can have a rest." Henry said and I nodded. He got up off of the bed and lifted Teddy off his lap, placing him down in the crib. He came back and took Ettie off my chest and placed her in the cot beside her brother. Henry then returned to the bed, where I snuggled into him and closed my eyes again. 

When I woke up, Henry was swaying Ettie by the window of our hospital room as she cried in his arms. I rolled over and pushed the blanket off me before climbing out of bed.

One day... (A British Royal Family FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now