Meet the family

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"Hello you two, I wasn't expecting for you to be here." I said as I walked through the door at Windsor Castle to find Wills and Kate stood in the corridor.

"Well, we thought we'd surprise you. And we hadn't met these two beauties yet." Kate said, putting her arm around me as she glanced down at the pram, where both the babies lay sleeping beside each other. "Aww congratulations Tilly, they're gorgeous." 

"Come here you, I'm so proud of you." William said, after initially standing back to let Kate hug me. I hugged him as well and felt his familiar squeeze. "Pa sent me some photos, but they're even cuter in real life." he said, standing on the other side of me as the three of us looked down at them. 

"Well, just wait until they wake up, they won't be so cute then." I said. "I'm kidding, they're actually really good." 

"And what about you? How are you doing?" Wills asked.

"I'm alright, tired, but they're so worth it. Now all you need to do is give them a little cousin." I said, nudging both of them and they laughed.

"Give it a couple of years, I think." William replied. "Come on, Granny's waiting." the three of us walked down the corridor to Granny's drawing room, where, after knocking, we went inside, to find her sat at her desk.

"Hello William, Catherine, oh and Mimi." Granny said, getting up from her desk and beginning to walk towards us. William bowed, before kissing Granny's cheek, before moving aside to allow Catherine and I to do the same. "I can't believe I've not seen any of you since the wedding, and then you all come at once." Granny says after I'd kissed her cheek. I stepped towards the pram as Teddy started to whimper. "And you bring presents." Granny joked as I lifted Teddy into my arms.

"He's just so excited to meet you Granny." I said, carrying Teddy towards the sofa as the three of them sat down.

"Me first for a cuddle please." William said, as if he were a giddy child at Christmas. I smiled and Granny nodded, so I placed Teddy in his arms before returning to the pram and collecting Etta. I sat down on the sofa beside Granny and handed Etta to her. She snuggled cosily into Granny's arms as if she had always known her.

"She looks just like you Mimi." Granny said, looking up from her a moment or two later to look at me.

"Do you think? I think she looks like Henry. They both do." I replied, as I looked over to Kate and Wills, who were admiring Teddy.

"All I see is you Mimi." Granny said quietly, placing her hand on my knee and smiling again. 

"Have you got names for them yet Tal? Pa didn't mention in his message." William said, slightly interrupting the moment between Granny and I.

"Yes, yes, we do. Our little boy is Edward Henry Charles George, but affectionately known as Teddy, and our girl is Elizabeth Victoria Diana Alice, but we'll all call her Etta or Ettie." William and Kate both smiled from across the room, as Teddy began to get restless in Kate's arms. 

"Etta, Etta suits you, doesn't it?" Granny said to Etta as I got up from the sofa and retrieved Teddy from Kate. I sat back down beside Granny and settled Teddy in my arms for a feed. 

"Is Grandpa around, Granny?" Wills asked.

"Yes Wills, should be down in his study, failing that, he'll be in the stables. I can't get him out of there these days." she said.

"We'll pop down and see him there then, let him know his two new great grandchildren are here." William said, before him and Kate got up and left Granny's drawing room. The room was left in silence as I watched Teddy feeding and then looked over at Etta, still sleeping in Granny's arms.

"You really want her to be named after me?" Granny asked, breaking the silence.

"Of course I do Granny." I replied. She smiled brightly. "Who better than you to name her after?"

"I am truly honoured Mimi. Etta and Teddy, a gorgeous pairing as well." Granny added. "Did your father tell you that we want you and Henry to go to Canada, early next year, with the children?" she asked, changing the subject as Etta started to fall asleep in Granny's arms.

"No, he didn't." I replied.

"Well, as you know next year will be busy, with my Diamond Jubilee, as well as the Olympics in London, so we want a whole family effort. Your father's going to go to Australia, Harry's off to Barbados, which I think he'll enjoy. I know taking the children would be hard, but you and Henry are so good at talking to people and I know you always enjoy Canada." she explained.

"I would have preferred somewhere warm like Barbados." I joked. "No Granny, that's ok, Canada is lovely, I'm not sure about Henry though, he'll be playing rugby then." 

"I thought he was thinking about retiring." she said.

"He thought about it, but I don't think he's ready yet. I said that I don't want him giving anything up just to support me in my role, he's got the rest of his life to do that and I don't want him to regret retiring too early." I told her and she nodded as I did.

"I understand." Granny said, "Well, would you go then? On your own, or with the children?"

"I'll go, of course. And if we can find someone to look after the twins then I'll bring them as well. I'm not sure about the boys, it will be tricky with them missing school. It's Monty's first year at senior school next year." I told her.

"Of course it is. Is he excited to finish prep school?" she asked.

"I think so. I think he's a bit nervous, he's always a little reserved about things, unlike his younger brother, but he's ready for a new challenge, a new adventure. He's so grown up now Granny, it's like having another adult in the house." I said, as Teddy finished feeding.

"I can't believe how much he's grown recently. He'll be taller than you soon." Granny said.

"I know. And to think he was only four, when he was first ours, it feels like a lifetime ago." I replied, settling Teddy in my arms, as there was a knock at the door.

"I heard there was two very special people here for me to meet." Grandpa said, pushing the door open. "Sorry, three including you Tallie." he smiled, as I got up and went over to hug him.

"Hello Grandpa." I said as I hugged him, still with Teddy in my arms.

"Oh congratulations Tallie, they're beautiful." he said, as I placed Teddy in his arms.

"This is your great grandson, Edward Henry Charles George, or Teddy." I said.

"Good choice, very strong, I like it." he replied.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Granny said, still holding Ettie, sleeping in her arms. I went over and sat back beside her, while Grandpa sat on the sofa opposite. 

"And this is Etta, her full name is Elizabeth Victoria Diana Alice." I told him.

"Another Elizabeth in the family, that's the last thing we need." he joked as Granny rolled her eyes. 

"Here you go, Mimi." Granny said, handing Ettie to me and then getting up from the sofa. She went over to her desk and returned with an envelope and a small wrapped box in her hand. "This is just a little something, from your grandfather and I." she said, handing it to me. I placed Ettie on the sofa beside me and opened the card, which was a congratulations card with a beautiful message inside. I opened the present. It contained a jewellery box and when I opened it, inside was a silver necklace, with a heart that had four stars imprinted on it. 

"Granny, it's beautiful, thank you." I said, putting my arms around her as Grandpa cleared his throat. "And you Grandpa as well, I'm sure you had lots of say in what was chosen." I said as he laughed.

We chatted for a while longer, and then William and Kate returned from their walk, and we all had lunch together. The babies slept through most of it, then after feeding them both, I decided it was time to go home. I needed to pick Jamie and Monty up from school this afternoon. The twins were both tired again, so slept in the car on the way back. We went straight to the boys school and collected them, before going home, where Henry had just got home from training. He stood in the kitchen, with a glass of water in his hand as I walked in, with Teddy in my arms, and said,

"Hey, Tilly, I've got some news."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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