Tensions Rise

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"It won't be long my boy, and it will be you, watching your own children get married." Papa said, placing his hand on Henry's shoulder as we stood in Westminster Abbey on the Wednesday evening, two days before Wills was due to marry Kate.

"Luckily we're pretty far off that." Henry replied.

"You'll be surprised, it felt like only yesterday that I walked Tallie down the aisle to you and now, here you both are about to have your own children." he said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him as we watched Harry, William and Kate listen to the wedding planners at the front of the abbey. I had taken the opportunity to sit down while I wasn't needed. Being 8 months pregnant with twins wasn't doing my back any favours and I knew that things weren't going to get any easier over the next few weeks.

"You alright Tild?" Henry asked as I rubbed my hand on my bump.

"Yeah, just tired, my bed is calling." I said.

"I know, I'm sure we won't be much longer." he said, stroking my hair as he stood beside me.

"Do you mean until we're finished here, or until these two are here?" I asked jokingly. Henry smiled as he leant down and kissed my forehead.

"Both my love." he said softly.

It was Friday morning. The day of the wedding. Last night, Henry, the boys and I had stayed at Clarence House with Papa, Wills and Harry. I hadn't slept well. Thoughts were swirling in my head about how the day would go and I couldn't help the feeling of how could my little brother be getting married.

I got up early with the boys and got them ready, while Henry got himself ready and then, he was to take the boys over to Buckingham Palace where the page boys and bridesmaids were meeting and then Henry had to go to the Abbey with the rest of my family. Once they had left, I finished getting myself ready, before meeting Wills, Harry, Papa and Camilla downstairs for a drink before we left.

"Harry, do you want to give Wills his gift?" I asked after we'd all toasted our drinks to the happy couple. Harry nodded.

"What have you two been up to?" William asked after taking a sip of his drink. Harry disappeared out of the room before returning a few moments later with a gift bag in his hand, which he then handed to William.

"Open it then." Papa said, before sipping his drink. William placed his drink on the table beside where we stood and pulled a wrapped box out of the bag. He unwrapped the present to reveal a watch box.

"You don't have to wear it today, but we wanted to give you something that would always remind you of this day." I told him, placing my hand on his arm as he smiled.

"It's beautiful, thank you guys." he asides he pulled it out of the box. "I actually wasn't going to where a watch today, but I will be now." he said gasping slightly as he read the inscription on the back of it.

"What does it says Wills?" Camilla asked.

"Never stop being you. And then today's date." he said, smiling brightly, his eyes glistening slightly as I could see he tried to hold in whatever tears wanted to fall from his eyes.

"She's here, she always will be, watching over you, seeing how happy you are." I said, putting my arm around him and leaning my head on his arm.

"Thank you Tallie and thank you Harry." he said, before putting the watch and the box on the table beside him and pulling both Harry and I into hug him. "I love you guys." he added.

"Come on then, you three best get a move on." Our Father said sternly from behind me. The boys and I pulled away from each other and I turned around to face Pa, who too had tears in his eyes. "Go on, Harry go and help your sister into the car, William will be along in a moment." Harry and I both nodded and left the room, going out in the courtyard and getting into the car. I didn't really need help getting into the car, but I think Papa wanted a moment along with William before he left. He must have only been a couple of minutes and William joined us in the car and we left Clarence House and drove through London to Westminster Abbey.

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