The New Normal

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In the coming weeks, life with the boys slowly became normal for us. The funeral happened at the end of January following the closure of the police investigation into Amy and Leo's death, in which it was confirmed that the man in the car had been following them for a number of days. He was a work colleague of Leo's and Leo had written a reference for him for another job which ended up not getting him the job. The police believed the man also had some underlying mental health problems as well and became obsessive about following Leo before eventually crashing his car into theirs that night.

Monty had since asked lots of questions about how his parents had died and Henry and I tried to explain it to him in the best way we could, without lying and in a way that didn't scare him. We hoped he would understand more when he was older, only time would tell. He had struggled at the funeral. The formality of the occasion combined with the sadness of the day had meant he was tired and spent most of the day attached to Henry's hip. Jamie came to the wake afterwards but we decided that a funeral service was no place for a one year old so Henry's parents took care of him, while Henry and I tried to navigate the funeral with Monty. Lots of distant relatives who he'd met several years before and didn't remember wanted to speak to him and he became rather overwhelmed by the whole thing. Luckily the wake took place in a country hall that had a children's playground outside, so when Henry's parents arrived with Jamie, they took Monty outside to enjoy that instead.

My brothers both came as well as Papa to the funeral, to support both Henry and I. They had all met  Leo and Amy at our wedding, and Monty as well, as he was page boy. It was lovely to see both my brothers and my Papa, occasions like this however always reminded the four of us of Mummy more than anything. But to have them there meant a lot, especially as Henry and I had told Papa our exciting news about expecting a baby. I slipped out part way through the afternoon with Wills and Harry to watch the boys play in the playground.

"I actually have something I need to tell you." I said to them both, while Monty was out of earshot, being pushed on the swing by Henry's mother.

"What is it?" Harry replied.

"Henry and I, we're having a baby." I told them quietly. I saw their faces both smiled brightly as they turned to me. 

"Congratulations sis," they both said to me as William pulled me into a hug and Harry then did the same.

"Thank you. It's super early, I just wanted to tell you in person. But we haven't told the boys yet either." I told them both. 

"I'm so happy for you and Henry." Harry said, putting his arm around me again as he smiled.

"Thanks Haz." I said.

"Does Granny know?" William asked.

"Yes, I told her last week, so does Grandpa and Pa, and Henry's parents but that's it." I informed them both and they nodded. 

A few days after the funeral, we took Monty to a new school. The same school I taught at, where I knew he would be really well looked after. We had thought about it a lot and we couldn't move our entire lives to Gloucestershire just for Monty's school. I knew that settling into a new school part way through the year would be harder for him but I knew that having a teacher I knew would help and even having me in the same school would be good for him too. As well as this, Jamie could go to the nursery that was attached to the school, which meant that during the days the three of us were all in the same place. 

Monty settled into school within a couple of weeks and Jamie after a couple of teary mornings was happy to go into nursery. This meant I was free to go back to work, which I was very excited about. Henry and I had talked about when to tell the school about my pregnancy and decided to wait a little while. We didn't want the press to catch wind of a thing until after my twelve week scan and I just couldn't stand the idea of some parent hearing it from a teacher and then Monty hearing about it from someone else at school. I knew he would be excited and Henry and I wanted to honour of telling him that news.

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