Testing times

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After the police officers left, the boys were hungry and it was getting late. I tried to entertain Jamie while I made supper and Henry and Monty tidied up the living room. Jamie sat in the booster chair strapped to our kitchen chair and Monty sat beside him as Henry finished tidying and I served up supper.

"Do you think this would be a good new home for us Jamie? With Henry and Tilly and Figgy?" Monty said to Jamie at the table as he stroked his hair. "And I'll be here too and maybe we could bring some toys from our house and put them in our bedroom upstairs. Henry said if we live here with them that we can share a room." He paused and I saw him out of the corner of my eye look in my direction. I pretended I wasn't listening and carried on serving their supper. "I love you Jamie, and Mummy and Daddy do too, and Tilly and Henry." he said before kissing Jamie's cheek and then turning around to look back at me.

As I placed the boys plates down on the table, Henry stood in the doorway of the kitchen and looked at me. He didn't say anything and as I walked towards the counter to get the boys drinks he just smiled.

"Are you having something to eat now?" I asked him. For a moment, he didn't say anything but smiled again. He walked towards me, still smiling.

"Yeah, I'll eat now." he said, walking past me and going to sit down at the table beside Jamie. I had no idea why he was smiling so much, but I took the boys drinks to the table and then served some supper for Henry and I before sitting down with them.

We gave the boys a bath and while Henry put Jamie to bed, I sat with Monty and read an extra story with him. I took him into their room where Jamie was just falling asleep and tucked him into bed.

"I love you Monty, have good dreams." I whispered to him before kissing his forehead.

"I love you too Tilly. I won't come into your bed tonight. You have to have good dreams too." he replied.

"Monts, you can always come and get into my bed if you need me, always, I promise, even when you're older." I told him.

"Will me and Jamie still live with you when we're older?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah, with me and Henry. Is that ok?" I said, stroking his hair. Monty just nodded silently as his eyes dropped shut. I kissed his forehead again before getting up and leaving the boys to go to sleep. I went into mine and Henry's bedroom and changed into my pyjamas before going downstairs to the living room, where Henry was sat in his pyjamas on the sofa.

"Hello you, I feel like I've barely seen you today." I said as I walked around the sofa until I was in front of him. Henry sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist so that his face was in front of my stomach.

"Hello you two." he said. I looked down at him, gently pushing his head away from my stomach so that he looked up at me.

"Shit, the test. The test, are you kidding? I haven't looked at it." I said as Henry stood up.

"You haven't seen what it says?" he questioned.

"No, I took it and then the doorbell went. I completely forgot." I told him.

"Do you want to go and check it now?" he said as he smiled.

"I think you've given away the results." I said.

"We're having a baby Tild." Henry said as he picked me up and kissed me. I didn't say anything but let my head fall against his shoulder as he put me down. "What is it?" he said, stroking my hair out of my face.

"I don't think this is the right time to have a baby Hen." I said. He reached hold of both of my hands and we both sat down on the sofa. "The boys have just been through the biggest event, possibly of their entire lives and right now it's our job to make that as easy as we can for them, how do you think bringing a baby into that is going to make them feel? That will completely throw them off all over again." I told him.

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