The Aftermath

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At about six o'clock that morning, the police officers made themselves scarce. Henry lay down on the sofa for a while as I shut all of the curtains downstairs. So that when the boys woke up, they wouldn't wonder why there was a police officer at the front door, or so many cars on the street.

Henry fell asleep, I expect out of pure exhaustion, so I lay a blanket over him and then went into the dining room, taking the house phone with me as I did. I dialled Papa's number into it. I wasn't sure where he'd be. I expected him to be at Sandringham with the rest of my family, however he may have gone down to Gloucestershire to see Camilla before he returned to work. I tried Sandringham first. Even though it was early, someone would be awake, someone would answer the phone and then go and get him for me.

"Hello, this is Princess Matilda, I would like to speak to Prince Charles please." I said when someone answered at the other end.

"I'm afraid he left late last night Your Highness." the voice said before there was a slight commotion which I briefly heard. "It's Her Royal Highness Princess Matilda, Your Majesty" the voice said. I waited as the phone scuffled and then heard a familiar voice.

"Hello Tally, is everything alright?" Granny asked abruptly.

"Granny, hello, I was just hoping to speak to Papa." I told her.

"He's not here, he left late last night for Highgrove. What's the matter?" she asked. She always knew when something was wrong and I still didn't know how.

"Two of Henry's best friends have been killed in a car accident. We're in Somerset right now at their house with their two young sons. We need to get them to Surrey and I just need to ask Papa to increase our protection a little, the man who crashed into Leo and Amy's car, the police think he may come here next." 

"Tally dear, slow down. Take a deep breath." Granny said. I did as she said and took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts. "Now, listen to me, I will call private protection and ask them to send them down to Woodside and have them to be there for when you arrive. I'll ask them to be discreet. The Thompson's boys are 4 and 1, aren't they? I wouldn't want them to scare the boys. And while I do that, you call your father. He should be at Highgrove, but if not, you have the number for Camilla's don't you?"

"Yes Granny, thank you, I do. And thank you Granny for doing that." I said.

"You are welcome Tally. How are the boys?" she asked.

"They're still asleep. We haven't told them yet." I said.

"And Henry?" she asked.

"He's asleep. I managed an hour or so earlier but he hasn't so I sent him to the sofa before the boys wake up." I told her.

"Ok. You shall let me know if you need anything else, won't you Tally?" she said.

"Yes, Granny of course. Thank you. Bye." I said before putting the phone down and then typing Papa's number into it. 

He didn't answer straight away. So I looked through the numbers in my address book to find Camilla's. But there was no answer there either. It wasn't like being at Sandringham where there was always a household staff to answer the phone, these were their private homes and it was six o'clock on a Saturday morning so people weren't usually awake. I put the phone down on the table and then sat down, looking through my address book by way of distracting myself from the impending events. As I looked through I saw all of the people that I had to tell of the news, Henry's parents didn't even know yet. I wondered whether we should tell them. It might be nice for them to be at the house when we get back with the boys. I didn't want to tell them without Henry knowing first though. 

I looked around the room and wondered what we would do with all of their things. Whether Henry and I would have to move in here so that Monty could stay at the same school, or whether we would keep them at Woodside permanently and move Monty to a different school. Henry and I didn't know the first thing about choosing a school. it was then in that moment when I thought potentially we had made a mistake, agreeing to be the boys godparents' and perhaps they would be better off with someone else. You never think when you agree to be a godparent to a child that you will ever have to actually carry out that role in its entirety. You always just presume it would be seeing them a couple of times a year and sending them a present for their birthday. I never thought that this was being a godmother. I had two other godchildren and I don't think I could do this with the other two as well.

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