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He is a god and the manifestation of the very thought and idea of advancement, the notion of "moving forward" inside all beings. Perpetually advancing to higher levels while wielding unimaginable power that could affect even concepts, and reality holds no bound onto him. There is little if any form of technology and arcane arts he did not know, as befit of his nature. As long as the concept of advancement remains, he will not die. Wisdom Cubes - a product that is capable of giving sentience to existing machines or even creating new beings from nothing; thus regarded as a wonder by humanity, are merely cubes that he use to make toys for tabletop games

About his personality, he is a funny and eccentric yet at the same time a kind & caring individual. A man knowledgeable in many things. Though normally he works with utmost diligence and efficiency, he is by no means a workaholic. A master in arts of diplomacy and negotiation (and making friends). Prefer brains over brawns (which means you won't see him showing off his power much), yet still a force that must be reckoned with on a multiversal scale at least. But despite the great power he wields, he is never arrogant about it. If anyone or anything he cares for is in danger, he will protect them at all cost. Other beings call him the "Techno/magical Geek", "Nerd Who Hit Hard", "The Unassuming but Deadly",....

He lives in disguise with humanity......just because he likes to. Humans may build shipgirls and Sirens, but it is HIM who leads the brilliant minds in the process. While the production of Siren models are going smoothly, a Neo-Nazi secret organization in Germany, with collaboration from corrupt politicians and scientists, have shut down the security network made to prevent cyber attack, and unleash a potent virus to the network that connect all the mainframes & terninals that stores the conciousness of Sirens, any unfortunate being corrupted by the virus was turned into a malformed killing machine. Berlin was the first to be struck by the virus, but before the virus can infect other mainframes, the scientists managed to turn the security system back online, and agents from various agencies, both in Germany and other countries, have managed to eliminate all high-ranking members of the organization while UN forces mop up their lackeys and minions. However, all information about the virus is lost. Though it did not stop the process of developing an antivirus software sophisticated enough to eliminate the virus, the process was slowed down considerably. Thus, a containment system was made to isolate all infected mainframes. Thirty years after the attack, our protagonist had a wife and an 18 -year old daughter (with a Siren guardian made by his own hand). However, the years of peace soon come to and end. Political tensions between global superpowers rose, then eventually, war broke out. In 6 months, the Third World War decimated two-thirds of humanity. Worse, the flames of war had decimated the containment system, the infamous virus ran rampant once again. Two-thirds of lower class Siren and half of the Elites were infected, the other half of Elites and Arbiters, were not infected, though they had to divert some of their power for virus removal. The Infected soon learned that they can infect & control other machines of war, and soon they amassed a force that looks like an army of steel monsters & leviathans, destroying what's left of humanity

Our protagonist's family were joining a military convoy comprised of all the remaining survivors on Earth to the Yamantau bunker complex, where all of important technologies along with the first time-travelling machine are kept, and also where the Elites & the Arbiters awaits. But while crossing the Volga, the entire convoy was spotted by corrupted bombers. News reached the Elites & Arbiters, and they decided to fled (away from what is known as the Timeline Zero) However, the protagonist, obviously, survives with the Siren bodyguard and his daughter, though they were barely alive. But his wife is dead. Regretting that he should have eliminated the virus much sooner, heals the bodyguard & the girl, then unleashed the might of a god on the dead world. The virus & the corrupted was mostly destroyed  , but the timeline was no more because it cannot withstand his power

Fast forward some millenia, in the world of Azur Lane, our protagonist discovered the existence of shipgirls on there. Interested to see another Earth, he descended with his daughter (now turned to a shipgirl) with their Siren bodyguard, whom his daughter viewed as a big sister. Though to his displeasure, his creations/daughters (he viewed all Siren as his children) are waging war in other timelines. Descend to the world and goes by the name "Arthur Godfrey" he decided to lead the shipgirls and, maybe later on, teach his daughters some manners. Well, he could have just used his OP-PLZ-NERF might to end this girly quarrel as he calls it, but he decided not to. Partially because he don't want shipgirls to be over-reliant on his power, and partially (and mainly) kills all the fun.

Anyway, the adventures of the brilliant yet eccentric Commander/Admiral of Azur Lane now begins!

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now