Espionage mission with an uninvited admiral

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09:30, December 12th, Pearl Harbor

3rd person's POV:

Arthur: How are Ping Hai and Ning Hai doing, Belfast? Have Ning Hai recovered from her injuries?

Belfast: See for yourself, Sir Admiral

Nearby, there's a stall where the Ning Hai sisters are selling dumplings to several destroyers. Hammann is also there to help, and she isn't exactly happy.

Arthur: They started a business. Quite resilient.

Ping Hai: Here's one for you, Sir Arthur.

Arthur: And how much would it be?

Ping Hai: Nee-chan said you do not have to worry about payment. You saved us, so we want to thank you.

Arthur: Thanks. And here's money for two, for me and Belfast's dumpling.

Ping Hai: But I already said....

Arthur: It would be inappropriate for me to just take the dumpling, wouldn't it? You girls worked hard to set up this small business, after all

Belfast: Master Arthur, they taste quite good.

Arthur: Oh really? *take a bite* Hmmm, delicious. You should definitely buy some for Enterprise. Though, why call me "Master" all of a sudden?

Belfast: I am a maid of the Royal Navy, and you are the commander of Azur Lane, which of course includes me. Therefore, it's only logical for me to call you "Master Arthur"

10:00, December 12th, Azur Lane Headquarters, Conference Room, Pearl Harbor:

Ping Hai & Ning Hai: The Dragon Empery has detected suspicious activity by the Sirens. They think that the Sirens are preparing for a massive attack, so we were sent here as messengers

Hornet: You mean high-class Sirens are planning something?

Prince of Wales: The Dragon Empery are one of the camps in the Azur Lane alliance. They've brought us this information

Ning Hai: Maybe they are trying to strike when Azur Lane and Crimson Axis are fighting each other

Arthur: *thought* This definitely has some relation to the Black Wisdom Cube. Gotta pay Sakura Empire a visit after this

Enterprise: Increased Siren activity, Sakura Empire's new technology and their ability to control mass-produced Sirens....This cannot be a coincidence, we must look into it

Belfast: We, the Royal Maid Corps, are already on a new mission 3 days ago

Enterprise: Maids on a mission?

Belfast: An espionage operation: Cloak and Dagger

Arthur: We should prepare a fleet to head to Sakura Empire right now.

Cleveland: Why do we need a fleet when the Royal Navy operatives are already underway?

Arthur: In case the operatives get spotted and under pursuit, we could rescue them. You girls have 2 hours to prepare.

All girls inside: Copy that, Sir Admiral

12:20, Main Office:

Arthur: Viktoriya, can you call the Essex-class carriers to meet me?

Viktoriya: Will do, Sir Admiral.

*10 minutes later*

The Essex-class quintet: Do you have orders for us, Sir Admiral?

Arthur: The Royal Maid Corps are undergoing an espionage mission, and I have sent a fleet led by Enterprise to act as a rescue force, just in case. You five will follow them as a backup force, if even they get into trouble

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