Displaying their might, ordering the carriers, admiral's at war

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06:00, GMT ???, December 15th, a random abandoned island:

Sheffield is hiding under the ruins of a city on ab abandoned island, with A6M5 Zeroes zipping overhead not far above. Right now they are under a blockade with Siren warships lay siege outside. Sakuran ships are also among them.

Battleship Yamashiro: We got you now. (fall down from a pole) Ouch.....

Inside a random building:

Akashi: *staring at the Black Wisdom Cude* What a mystery....

Edinburgh: You telling me that you haven't seen it before? Aren't you a member of Sakura Empire?

Akashi: I'm just a repair ship with no place in the higher-ups, nya. *flashback, legs shivering* M-Maybe they got this secretly from the Sirens! And if they did, then we are screwed! *bawling on the ground*

Sheffield: I have returned.

Edinburgh: How's everything, Sheffield?

Sheffield: Scout planes patrols are intensifying. It's safe to assume that we've been spotted. They know we're here.

Edinburgh: What should we do?

Sheffield: A rescue fleet in already underway. They are not far from here. Though I highly down that they would sit idle. Get ready for a fight.

Back to the Sakurans:

Shoukaku: How can we tell that the ships are safe? What if the Sirens regain control of them?

Zuikaku: Akagi said that it's impossible. She said as long as Orochi remains, everything will be okay.

Shoukaku: I just hope that things would actually go accordingly with whatever scheme inside her mind this time. One Midway is bad enough.

Zuikaku: You're suspicious?

Shoukaku: It makes me feel uncomfortable. They better not go sleep for another decade with fish.

Zuikaku can only laugh dismissively.

On a Takao-class heavy cruiser:

(A/N: Fun fact: Even though Takao, evidently, was built before Atago, Atago was completed first. That's why Atago is the big sis)

Takao: ( I have failed my mission and let the enemy. I have to find a way to restore my honor, and settle the score with that man.)

Atago: What's the matter, Takao. You've got that frowny face again.

Takao: Atago! Since when did you sneak behind my back?

Atago pays no mind at what Takao just said. Instead she keeps touching a flustered Takao intimately, then turn her attention towards Ayanami.

Atago: Would you like some to, Ayanami?

Ayanami: I respectfully decline.

Takao: Stop it! Can't you take this mission seriously?

Takao: Yes, ma'am. How's it looking over there?

Zuikaku: The island is filled with rubble. It won't be easy to pinpoint their location with that many hiding place

On somewhere else:

Fusou: We must be patient. Wait for the scout planes then we can finally strike.

Furataka: But Akashi was taken by them! We couldn't just sit idly like this! Who knows what horrible things they could have done with her?

Kako: Fusou! Iron Blood reports that they have spotted an enemy fleet.

Z23: It's Azur Lane

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now