Meet up with Northern Parliament

411 9 18

05:00, GMT-10, December 21st, 1960, Admiral's Office

Arthur: 5 o'clock in the morning.....Oh, you're here, Musashi? Why are you in my office?

Musashi: You forgot to lock the door. 

Arthur: Okay.....That still didn't explain why you entered my room

Musashi: I saw a bright violet flash inside your room shining through the window, so I come to investigate. Just in time to see you popping out from the Black Wisdom Cube. Now tell me, what are you doing?

Arthur: I need 5 seconds

5 second later, a masked kitsune appeared behind Musashi, startling the battleship a bit.

Musashi: A kitsune. Hmmm, are you a shipgirl?

The kitsune removes her mask. To Musashi's surprise, it was Amagi!

Amagi: It has been a long time since we meet each other, my Shogun.

Musashi: Amagi? You're inside the cube as well? did you turn white.

Amagi: I was trapped inside the cube, constantly being taunted by the being inside....

Musashi: Orochi.

Amagi: Time flows differently inside the cube, so over time, I forgot why I keep fighting to free myself....But when my mind is close to breaking, the Admiral reminded me of my reason for fighting.

Musashi: Is Orochi dead?

Arthur: I kept it alive and mins-scrubbed it so both Orochi and the Sirens would think Amagi has been assimilated by Orochi. About why Amagi turns white, it because a surge of emotions caused her to awaken. 

Musashi:  Did she know of her sisters' plan?

Amagi: Unfortunately, I do know. When I reunite with them, I will educate them properly.

Arthur and Musashi could see, that behind the gentle smile of Amagi, was a roiling fire of rage that could put fear into even the most hardened men. They backed off a but

Arthur: *whisper* Hey Musashi, did I just unleash something much worse?

Musashi: *whisper* I think you did

Arthur: *whisper* Should I pray for Akagi?

Musashi: *whisper* I don't really know. My sister would definitely say no, though.

Over the period of 7 days, Amagi was introduced to the leading shipgirls of Azur Lane. Musashi was modernized and trained to use her new equipment inside a pocket dimension. At some point of in the 5rd day, Halsey's E-2D Hawkeye spotted a large Crimson Axis force 2500 kilometers away were moving towards Pearl Harbor. A fleet was mobilized to intercept the threat, with Arthur at the forefront

14:25, 1000 kilometers from the International Date Line, December 28th

Queen Elizabeth: This is the fleet I've always been waiting for!

Prince of Wales: This is a combined fleet between us and Eagle Union. Truly impressive.

Hood: *drinking tea* This looks quite promising.

Warspite: Yes indeed. This is going to be a decisive battle.

On Crimson's Axis side:

Atago: You are thinking something again? Takao?

Takao: Are we truly prepared for this? Amassing such a large fleet without completing Project Orochi, and after our Shogun disappeared....What is Akagi thinking?

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now