Admiral's Day Off: Meet the shield wielder

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     Arthur was bored. It has been a while since the war between Azur Lane and the Sirens come to and end, and there is not really much drama aside from daily spats between the girls, not to mention paperwork is a bitch, even for him. And so he decided to take a vacation....and proceeds to punch a hole in reality and go to another world, just to be entertained.

     At that same moment, right outside his office's door, Enterprise is questioning just what the hell did she just see. "Did he just casually make a portal by a punch?".

One second later, outside the Castle the Kingdom of Melromarc, Naofumi Iwatani, having been accused of raping one certain redhead bitch less than two weeks ago, is currently trying his best to grind levels by punching balloon monsters left and right. Cue the moment which he sees a hand punch a portal to existence, and Arthur emerging from it. The two look at each other's eyes, with Naofumi thinking: "What the fuck is wrong with today?". The silence remains for a while, until Naofumi decided to break it. 

"Who are you? And did I just see you punching a hole in reality?" - Naofumi asks in incredulity. 

"My name's Arthur, and yes, I did. You don't sound like you're having a good day, boy" - Arthur casually answers.

Naofumi: Name's Naofumi. And you are correct, I am not having a good day.

Arthur: You are not from this world, am I correct?

Naofumi: What did you know?

Arthur: Because you are a Japanese, and this world has a typical Middle Ages aesthetic. And I can tell that the shield on your arm is definitely a magical equipment. Thanks to the fact that animes that have a young Jap being isekai'd is very common, I know you are from a version of Earth. And besides, by asking how do I know, you just confirmed that I am right.

Naofumi: You seem like a genre-savvy guy.

Arthur: I'll take that as a compliment. So, what's up with the grumpy look? Did you suffer a dark event or sth?

Naofumi hesitates to tell Arthur the story at first, since he does not know if he can trust Arthur, especially after that redhead bitch's spectacular betrayal. In the end, he decided to tell Arthur everything anyway, in the hopes that perhaps the blonde man in front of him might side with him. 

"Everyone refuses to treat you with a shred of respect just because you are the Shield Hero? And then the princess falsely accused you of rape? Boi, that's rough." was all Arthur can say. He thinks for a few second before asking Naofumi to show stats

Naofumi: Hmm, what for? Why do you need me to show you my stats?

Arthur: Just do it.

Naofumi: Fine. (shows his stats to Arthur)

Arthur: Hmm, Level 2.

Naofumi: Yeah, it's low, I know....

Arthur: That confirms to me that your accusation is false.

Naofumi: Wait, you want me to show you my confirm the veracity of my story?

Arthur: Yup. Considering that this world is under constant threat of extra-dimensional monster incursions, it is unlikely for members of the royalty to not know how to defend themselves either by physical prowess or magic. So, it would be safe to assume that the princess who accused you would know some magic, and since you were Level 1 at that point, if you were to really rape her, she would have no trouble fighting back and win. I feel kinda bad for you that the three other heroes were made of stoopid. 

Naofumi: Finally, someone who has a functioning brain. And by the way, why do you come to this world?

Arthur: Oh, I'm bored so I decided to take a vacation. 

Naofumi: That's it?

Arthur: Correct. And since I am bored, I figured that I would tag along with you, because I can tell that there will be drama...and probably cringe, if I go with you.....

Naofumi: That is the most bizarre reason I have ever heard.

Arthur: I don't give a shit.

Naofumi: I guess an additional man doesn't harm. Welcome to the party.

Naofumi's mind: This guy can punch a hole in reality....He must be very powerful.

Arthur: So, what do you want to do next?

Naofumi: I don't know, maybe go back to the city to stock up for supplies, or try to find a third party member.

Arthur: With your reputation, I think the only way you could get a party member is probably from a slave trader. So I think we shall buy ourselves a slave.

Naofumi gives him a "wtf" look.

Naofumi: Why are you so fucking nonchalant about that?

Arthur: Hey, I just speak the hard truth. 

Naofumi: Anyway, how can we even find a slave trader?

Arthur: Knowing how slavery is prevalent in pre-modern times, I can guarantee that there will be at least one in the city. And, on the matter of buying supplies, I suppose we can use a bit of intimidation. (grabs a balloon monster)

The balloon monster bites Naofumi on the right arm, but thanks to the Legendary Shield, Naofumi doesn't feel the pain. This gives Arthur an idea, and the man turned towards Naofumi with a malicious look.

Naofumi: ....You are about to use me as bait, aren't you?

Arthur just grins.

Naofumi: Well fuck. 

Begrudgingly agreeing with Arthur, Naofumi throws himself at the balloon monsters once more, getting bitten all over his body. One of them even tried biting Naofumi's family jewels, and unwilling to see if the shield can dampen the pain down there, he stomped it to death. Overall, the two managed to catch eight living balloons, and dozens of dead ones, at the cost of bite marks on all of Naofumi's limbs.

Naofumi: You happy now? 

Arthur: This should be enough to give you some money to buy basic equipment.

Naofumi: I've been thinking. How does other countries defend themselves from the Waves?

Arthur: Eh, their own militaries and maybe one or two summoned Legendary Hero?

Naofumi: And currently Melromarc has four, including me.....Oh shit, this means that trashy king is effectively hoarding us Legendary Heroes for himself. 

Arthur: Like I said, he and the other 3 were made of stoopid. And I think other countries is no doubt very eager to give him a wedgie. I feel pity to whatever queen he is married to, because she has to deal with a political nightmare.

Naofumi: Now I want to deliver payback to the King and his scheming wench of a daughter even more.

Arthur: You will have the chance in the future, I'm sure of it. Now time for talk is over, let's get back to the city.

 Back in the city, some ruffians tried to take advantage of Naofumi and Arthur, but the balloon monsters clinging onto Naofumi is enough to make them change their minds, because getting chomped like no tomorrow isn't funny.

Naofumi: I am curious. If I was not used as live bait, what would you use to deter people from taking advantage of my "reputation"?

Arthur: (*pulls out a M1911 from thin air*) This.

Naofumi: Okay...Then why the hell did you even use me as balloon bait in the first place?

Arthur: Just because.

Naofumi: Why a gun when you can punch a hole in reality?

Arthur: Because I have a thing for dakka. 

Naofumi: Wha....Oh, that actually is understandable. Few people can resist the dakka, after all.

Arthur: Now on to the next step: Looking for a slave trader.

Naofumi: Can't believe I'm actually going along with this.

Arthur: By the way, take this. (*tosses Naofumi a bottle of aspirin*)

Naofumi: Aspirin? What for?

Arthur: There is a chance that those three don't know that slavery is legal in this kingdom, hence the aspirin. In case for any idiotic actions they might do upon learning that we bought a slave. Maybe like, one of those idiots would force you to duel him to decide the fate of a demihuman slave that you purchased, and that red-headed tavern wench would intervene when you are winning against her hero boytoy, thus costing you the win, and a slave, and probably you would suffer a breakdown and gain something nasty just by wrath.

Naofumi: That is oddly specific.

Arthur: It's called foreshadowing. 

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now