Decisive Battle

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January 3rd, 07:30, GMT-10, Azur Lane Admiral's Office:

Grand Admiral Raeder: Prinz Eugen has informed me that Orochi has slipped from its moorings, and is heading towards Pearl Harbor.

Arthur: Will you stand alongside us and fight in this battle, Sir Raeder?

Grand Admiral Raeder: Do you really have to ask, Sir Arthur? Iron Blood is a part of Azur Lane, of course the Kriegsmarine will stand alongside you.

Arthur: You still say "Kriegsmarine" after all these years?

Grand Admiral Raeder: Old habits die hard.

Arthur's phone rang:

Arthur: Who's calling.

Vitaliy: This is Admiral Vitaliy Alekseyevich Fokin of the Pacific Fleet. I have received news of Orochi's awakening from my patrols. The remainder of my fleet are ready join arms and participate in the upcoming battle.

Arthur: I hope to see your ships in battle, comrade Vitaliy.

Vitaliy: Haha, I will not miss such a great battle, comrade! I promise my fleet will appear and fight alongside you.

Arthur: Very well. I await your presence when the time comes.

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean:

Observer Alpha: Is the missile ready?

Tester Beta: All systems operational.

Observer Alpha: Commence test launching.

A door on Orochi's deck was opened, revealing a ballistic missile with its launch platform. The engine was ignited, then missile now on an ascending course. Expending all its fuel in two stages, the nuclear missile strike an uninhabited island 1700 kilometers from its starting point. A patrolling Eagle Union submarine, Dace, surfaced when hearing a huge explosion, just in time to see a violet mushroom cloud rising from the target island. Images of the cloud and Orochi was sent back to Pearl Harbor.

Pearl Harbor, Arthur's office.

Prince of Wales: What kind of weapon could cause such destruction? And why strike an uninhabited island?

Yamamoto: I suppose they want to simultaneously test this weapon and intimidate us.

Grand Admiral Raeder: *looks at Orochi's image* My ships in Kure have also reported heavy damage to the Sakuran dockyard. I expect that they were shocked like us as well.

Hood: They must be chasing Orochi by now.

Illustrious: But the main question remains. What is the weapon they are using.

Arthur: It's a nuclear weapon. If anyone here have the declassified intel about Project Manhattan, which is posted on the Internet, I supposed they would know.

Grand Admiral Raeder: And judging from the lack of bombers on Orochi, my guess is they used a missile to deliver the warhead.

Arthur: If we don't act now, that accursed hulk will scour this island clean. A lumbering behemoth that size could be guaranteed to have some sort of shield protecting it. A direct confrontation is the only way to defeat the Sirens, no matter how small the chance is. This battle will be decide the fate of the world. I want all vessels be ready for combat by afternoon! And Shtorm, inform Vitaliy to ready his fleet. We'll settle everything at Midway.

All: Roger.

After that:

Arthur: I need to make some calls

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now