Second Battle of Denmark Strait

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8:00 a.m GMT+1, January 5th, a Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor take off from an airbase in Trondheim, Norway. Having been converted into a long-range reconnaissance aircraft, its mission was to detect any suspicious Siren activity in the North and Greenland seas. The sky is clear and the sun is bright. An ideal condition. 5 hours into the flight with no concerning activities spotted, the Fw 200 now above Svalbard.  The condition here was not as favorable as Trondheim. Heavy clouds greatly hamper the aircrew from doing their job. Eventually the aircraft found a gap in the clouds, what its pilots saw made their blood freeze. A massive Siren armada with ships of all kinds, easily hundreds in numbers, are crossing the archipelago.

Pilot: They are heading towards Reykjavik, Iceland, speed 12 knots per hour!

Navigator: Schiesse! Only 3 of our shipgirls: Tirpitz, Peter Strasser and Scharnhorst are present in the waters of Iceland! They can't hold back such a large fleet!

Co-pilot: They must be going after those 3. Radio Operator, have Trondheim received the news?

Radio Operator: Yes, sir, they have! They said that they will report back to Hamburg.

Pilot: Good! We're heading back to base!

  13:35 a.m, at the Port of Hamburg, everybody is doing their everyday duties. Ships are docking in or sailing out, men and Manjuu guiding incoming vessels to rearm, refuel and/or conduct repairs.

The offices and war rooms are just as busy as the docks. Officers and generals constantly discuss battle strategies, relay orders to units on active duty, doing paperwork, receive intelligence, etc.

Inside one such office in Bismarck, the flagship of Kriegsmarine, the pride of Iron Blood. Right now she's the Acting Grand Admiral of Kriegsmarine while the true Grand Admiral, Erich Raeder, is on a voyage to the waters of the Pacific. While she's doing her usual load of paperwork, an officer comes and slams the door open, his facial expressions clearly indicate that there is something urgent

Bismarck: Is there any matter of importance?

Officer: Lord Bismarck, I have received news from Trondheim that a massive Siren armada consisting of at least 500 ships is heading to Reykjavik, Iceland. They believe that this force's intention is our ships nearby, that includes your sister, Tirpitz.

Bismarck: Inform every shipgirl present in this port! NOW!

Officer: Yessir!

13:52, mission briefing room, Port of Hamburg:

Every shipgirl present has been briefed of the situation, and Bismarck's intention to intercept the enemies at sea. Ulrich von Hutten and Admiral Karl Doenitz has been assigned to maintain operations while she's absent

In the end, shipgirls joining Bismarck include:





Prinz Heinrich


Prinz Adalbert



Prinz Rupprecht








Ships remain in Iron Blood waters:

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