Dead Ship Rising (Edited)

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Arthur: You look quite battered, Musashi.

Musashi: Isn't beating the crap out of me a part of our plan?

Arthur: I know, I know.

Musashi: By the way, where do you find shipboys?

Arthur:  "Shipmen" is more accurate. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you much details, except for the fact that they come from another world like the Sirens.

Musashi: Unsurprising.

Arthur: Yamato wouldn't be happy if she sees you in this state.

Musashi: Only if she has her glasses. Her eyesight isn't good so she retired 5 years ago. Pass the title "Shogun" to me after that.

Arthur: Anyway, evac's coming.

Arthur: And you aren't the only POW in this battle, Musashi.

Musashi: Wait, there's more?

Arthur: There's Akashi, to an extent. Sheffield, Edinburgh, bring Akashi over here?

Akashi: Are you okay, my Shogun?

Musashi: Well, I don't think having a third of my rigging blown up is okay....but I'm still alive, as you can see.

Akashi: And what is the "plan" that you talked earlier, Shogun-sama?

Musashi: Same as you, I know what Akagi and Kaga has been doing, thanks to Sir Arthur. Akagi obviously isn't very happy about that, so she intended to dispose me, but Azur Lane will do the dirty work for her. That's when our plan comes in. He put me into a hopeless situation to make everyone think I will most likely be KIA, and wait for the Crimson Axis to retreat to "capture" me.

Akashi: So Akagi really has betrayed the Empire, nya.......But, did you evey think about how mysterious is the Commander/Admiral of Azur Lane? He could fight toe-to-toe with Takao, and there's those jets and shipmen under his command.....

Arthur: I will tell you more about myself, in due time

Akashi: You're here, nya? Since when?

Arthur: I stand here this whole time. Anyway, chopper's landing in 15 seconds. Can you walk, Musashi?

Musashi: I can, with a bit of assistance

Exactly 15 seconds later, a V-22 Osprey driven by Halsey landed a few meters apart. Arthur carried Musashi on board, while Akashi and Edinburgh helped Sheffield. Lütjens and Yamamoto climbed on board one minute after. They were the last people to leave the battlefield.

07:45, GMT-10, Pearl Harbor, December 20th, 1960

Belfast: Good morning, miss Enterprise. Breakfast is ready.

Enterprise: Can you give me some time to change clothes, Belfast?

Belfast: Sure.

08:00, at the Great Mess Hall, Belfast and Enterprise were heading towards Nevada's section. In here, ships and men alike were enjoying their own hearty meals before starting their days. Moreover, the Mess Hall is not only a place to enjoy good food, but also a place to socialize. Everybody is seen either chatting or playing some small games with others, in some sections shipgirls were seen having nice conversations with the harbor's personnel. Some among them were former crew members working on the ships and together they retold old tales with their ships.

Enterprise: I afraid this is a bit too much, Nevada.

Nevada: Don't be modest. I owe you one for helping Oklahoma.

Arizona: Good morning, Enterprise.

Enterprise: Good morning, Arizona. You too, Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania: You look much more cheerful and lively than usual, Enterprise.

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now