The Climax Has Started

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Azur Lane Academy, January 2nd:

Prince of Wales: Have we made any progress in studying the Black Wisdom Cube?

Langley: I afraid not. With a lack of knowledge about Wisdom Cubes, we were unable to analyze it. 

Cleveland: The glow is getting stronger.

Prince of Wales: Knowing the Cube is related to the Sirens, we should assume it's something that bodes ill.

Akagi: Akagi is the worst! Why does she have to cause so much trouble for us?

?????: It's because of me.

A Sakuran kitsune with white fur entered the academy to everyone's confusion.

Prince of Wales: she?

Cleveland: I thought Kaga was the only large kitsune ship with white fur among Sakura Empire (large ship = any ship that is equal or bigger than a heavy cruiser)

Akashi: I know that face....How can she be here? Amagi, why are you here? I thought you're dead!

Hornet: Wait that's Amagi? Since when did she rise from her grave and dyed her fur white?

Amagi: How I come back to life is but a secondary matter in the present, it will be explained later. Matters regarding the Black Wisdom Cube is of the greatest urgency.

Akashi: Amagi, what does you mean "It because of........ My God, don't you tell me....Akagi created the Orochi to resurrect you?

Amagi: Precisely so, Akashi.

Akashi: Do you need someone to inform you about events after your death?

Arthur: It's not needed. I have done so already. 

Kure Naval Port, Sakura Empire:

Kaga: You want to seal away the Orochi?

Nagato: Temporarily. We just want to pause it. With Akagi gone, we can't push forward.

Kaga: Who made the decision? Without the Orochi, Sakura Empire will have no future.

Nagato: It was my decision. Akagi's disapperance is taking a toll on you, Have some rest.

Kaga: How dare you?

Nagato: As the replacement for Musashi-sama, I ordered you to comply. My decision is final. Dismissed.


Ise: *drinking sake* Thing are starting to look grim. The Cube's falling into zur Lane's. hands, Shogun Musashi supposedly dead, and now Akagi missing in action...The future seems bleak for Sakura Empire.

Hyuuga: Not to mention the lack of response from the mass-produced ships.

Takao: I started to feel worry about Ayanami and Akashi...I hope they aren't abandoned & feeling lonely on their own.

Shoukaku: This whole plan was destined to fail from the start. We should not have trusted something we know nothing about?

Hiryu: We must not let Iron Blood know about our weakness. Crimson Axis isn't a monolithic alliance.

Hyuuga: And don't forget, the Sirens are still our real enemy.

Flashback to September 15th, 1959, in the cavern that would house Orochi:

Observer Alpha: *to Akagi & Kaga* At this rate, the Sakura Empire, no....the entire world will have no future. You will need power comparable to gods. This Black Wisdom Cube has the ability to collect all forms of data and evolves. For those like us, data is will, and will is power. That's why the ship born form the Black Wisdom Cube will have great power. Power to reshape the past and generate whatever future you desire.

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now