Always look on the bright side of life

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07:00, December 10th, Enterprise's room:

3rd Person POV:

Belfast pushes the curtains aside, the sun shines through the window, waking up Enterprise.

Belfast: Good morning, Enterprise-sama.

Enterprise: Why are you here? Oh wait, I forget that you are now my personal assistant.

The sun also reveals the previously concealed MRE, which Belfast quickly notices. Her face darkens, and Enterprise can feel an ominous aura radiating from the maid

Belfast: Enterprise-sama......could you explain this?

Enterprise: I...snuck some of the MREs back into my room last night.

Belfast crushes the MRE biscuit tin can on her hand, put her other hand on Enterprise's shoulder (nearly dislodging the joint) then steps closer to Enterprise's face in an imposing manner.

Belfast: Enterprise-sama....please never eat them in the harbor, will you?

Enterprise quickly nodded, unable to say a word due to shock and fear

Belfast: *back to the cheerful maid she usually is* Shall we have breakfast then?

Enterprise: * thought* What's with the sudden change of mood?

In the dining room:
Enterprise: I prefer coffee.
Belfast: Coffee may be good, but drink too much of it will hurt your stomach. From now on you shall properly change your lifestyle

After breakfast, Enterprise discards all of the energy bars in the pocket, having learned how terrifying Belfast can be.

*Timeskip 1 day*

08:30, December 11th, Azur Lane Infirmary, Yorktown's room:

*Knock* *Knock*
Vestal: Come in!

Arthur: Good morning, ladies.

Vestal/Yorktown: Good morning, Sir Admiral.

Yorktown: To what do I owe the pleasure of being visited by you?

Arthur: Today's a rare day which I don't have paperwork, so I figured I would pay a visit to you, and have a conversation. Besides, who would not want to visit a great aircraft carrier and a fine lady like you?

Yorktown: My my. You flatter me, Sir Admiral.

Arthur: How's your recovery been going?

Yorktown: Vestal says it would be at least two months before I can walk again.

Arthur: Mainland already have a new rigging for you. Would be sent here when you fully recovered. Although I hope you don't return to combat duty.

Vestal: You want her to remain disabled forever? How could you say such a cruel thing!

Arthur: Now now, you get me wrong, Vestal. What I meant is I hope the war would already end when she returns.

Vestal: I'm sorry for misunderstanding you, Sir Admiral.

Arthur: It's okay. You would not misunderstand if I phrase it better. Besides, Enterprise is also waiting for her return

Yorktown: Speaking of my little sister, is she doing well?

Arthur: Not well at all. Ever since the day you were hospitalized, she has been over-exerting herself. She only dock for repairs whenever Vestal force her to do so. Never properly eating her meals, instead she stockpiles MREs inside her room. That girl keep insisting that she's a weapon. I had to use an executive order to put a stop to this, and Belfast voluntarily becomes her personal assistant. And I'm telling you, that maid basically turns into a demon whenever she sees Enty holding an MRE.

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now