Downtime and emergency rescue

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8:00 a.m, Pearl Harbor

Illustrious: Sir Admiral, our Majesty wants you to join her morning tea party

Arthur: And in what time would the party begin?

Illustrious: 9:20 a.m, sir

Arthur: I don't see a reason to decline. Tell me that I accept her invitation

Illustrious: I shall do so right at this moment

Arthur: Viktoriya, can you take care of my paperwork for this morning?

Viktoriya: No problem, Sir Admiral.

8:30 a.m , Pearl Harbor

Arthur's POV

Right now, I am having a picnic with Javelin and Ayanami. The sun's shining and the wind's breezing, the spot that that girl Ayanami found makes quite a nice picnic spot. Viktoriya arrived to the harbor 6 p.m yesterday, and right now she's having sometime with the boys, even participating in a drinking match. Her presence lightens my workload quite a bit, and that allows me to have more free time.

Javelin: I wonder if she's okay.

Laffey: You mean Ayanami

Javelin: Ayanami-chan, right........Do we have to fight her?

Me: In this circumstance, I afraid it is inevitable, but I promise it's won't be long until all fighting is stopped.

An bald eagle glide past us all

Me: Oh, you must be Enterprise's Eagle, Grim. Well, speak of the Devil.

Javelin: Enterprise-san! Do you want to have a picnic with us

Surprisingly, Enterprise does not object.

Javelin: Uhm.....Do you want to have a bite, Enterprise-san?

Enterprise: No thanks

Laffey: Are you hurt, Enterprise-san?

Enterprise: It seems like my healing has slowed down.

Javelin: Eh? You must heal properly! Sir Admiral, do you know why her healing slowed down

Arthur: That's because of her over-exertion. Lack of rest is very detrimental to anything, even for Enterprise

Enterprise: You don't have to worry for me. The critical repairs has been done.

Arthur: Critical repairs alone is not enough, and I'll be damned of you collapse in another big battle.

Javelin: Why did you have to push yourself so far, Enterprise-san?

Enterprise: What a strange question. There is no doubt that our purpose of existence is to fight.

Arthur: That's a bunch of crap. Like I say, you must rest. You have a life, do not waste it entirely on battles.

Enterprise: I am but a weapon.

Arthur: You have independent thoughts and emotions, that means you are just like a human. But since you like to say that you are a WEAPON, let me remind you that six months ago, I issued an executive order which states that all weaponry & munitions in the harbor must be in good condition. And because you are a weapon, like you always insist, you must take care of yourself and in good condition, and you know what will happen if you disobey a superior, and mind you, I do not joke when it comes around to my orders. If you were to die, how could we tell your sisters. How would they react? Think about it

Enterprise: I'll.....take my leave

Javelin: Do you have to be so forceful?

Arthur: I has to be. Or else she will wearing herself off. And a general should always care about his soldiers' well-being *this was within Enty's earshot*

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now