Onto a new world we go! (with minor edits)

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In outer space, right above the Anime Azur Lane World:

Arthur Godfrey's POV

It has been millenia since I come across to another Earth, the last one I visited was destroyed by me. Well enough reminiscing of the past, I should focus on the present. I quickly take a closer look at the planet. And guess what I saw? Wisdom Cubes and shipgirls, just like the previous Earth. And my creations - The Sirens, are also present. Though to be fair, I like to view them as my daughters, and spending time with them before their timeline's destruction solidifies that viewpoints. That being said, I hack into their network to look for information before descending.

5 minutes later

I can hear my bodyguard - Arbiter I: Titan, who
I normally call her by the name "Viktoriya", calls for me

Arbiter I's appearance:
(She has no horns & scales)

Viktoriya: Did you find any information, my master?

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Viktoriya: Did you find any information, my master?

Me: Yes. Can you call my daughter Elizabeth here for briefing?

Elizabeth: There's no need to. I'm already here

Elizabeth's appearance

Elizabeth's appearance

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Me: Good. Now I will begin briefing. Apparently this world had the same history as ours, however the point of divergence began in 20 July 1944. Hitler's assasination was successful, Nazi Party lost control over Germany, and the new government make peace with the Allies. As for Japan, they tried to prevent the information of Germany switching sides from reaching Emperor Hirohito and the populace but failed, causing the people of Japan to lose faith on the government & army. And so,on January 1st, 1945, Emperor Hirohito ordered Japan to surrender after much, much debate. The Instrument of Surrender was signed on January 8th. There was no war until June 6th, 1945, when a Siren aircraft crashes at Roswell. 2 weeks after that, the first Siren fleet invaded Earth and attacked Midway, thus signalling the Human-Siren War. This world's Admiral Halsey was killed in the battle. This new foe proved too strong for the human navies, so in 6 months, they lost control of 90% of the ocean. But then all nations decided to band together, and on April 30th, 1946, the Wisdom Cubes were discovered, and shipgirls were created. They formed the naval coalition "Azur Lane", gradually pushing back the Sirens. Current year for this world on their network is....1950

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now