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After Arthur's secretary climbed out of the machine's cockpit, every present individual turned their heads towards Arthur, who gave a look of indiffirence. Together they asked:

"Care to explain everything, man?" 

Azur Lane:  Admiral, would you kindly tell us why your secretary is a Siren?

Sirens: What trickery have you used to made one of our kind to plegde loyalty to you, human? 

Facing the collective glares of all those around him, Arthur gave a small sigh. He snapped his fingers, a puff of smoke appeared and when it faded away, his appearance has changed into one that the Sirens remembered very well.

Arthur: Remember me?

In the artificial minds of the Sirens, their thoughts had turned into a chaotic mess. Their creator was long thought as dead, yet now someone looked exactly as him is standing here. Observer Alpha and Tester Beta stood frozen, unable to move or reply to Arthur, while Purifier is trembling.

Purifier: Is it....Is it really you?

Observer Alpha: We can't know for sure, he might be manipulating us.

Ash: He isn't.

Tester Beta: Ash? Since when did you come here.

Ash: 20 seconds ago.

Observer Alpha: What do you mean he isn't manipulating us? We all know Father is long dead?

Ash: Simple.It's because Father isn't dead. The one you think as an impostor really is the real deal.

Arthur: Should I tell the three of them how Tester Beta's body was my intended model for Observer Alpha?

Observer Alpha/Tester Beta: Wait what?

Arthur: The reason you, Alpha, got this body is because Aoste's design won the popularity poll. His voters were predominantly male, too

All girls: (Such perverts....)

Raeder: Why would they pick an octopus rather than a stingray?

Arthur: You better not know.

Enterprise: Admiral. Can you tell me who she is? *points at Ash*

Arthur: Ah. She's another you, without her rigging. She's from....OOOF!

Musashi: You okay, Admiral?

Arthur: Still kickin'.

Something moved at a blinding speed and pushed Arthur off of his balance. With a slight groan, Arthur got up and looked down to see what had pushed him. A crying Purifier was hugging his body tightly. Her tears won't stop.

Purifier: I'm so glad you are alive.....I'm so glad......*sobs*

Arthur: *gives Purifier a warm hug* There there, my child......I promise to leave you on your. own no more. It must have been hard for you to endure for five thousand years, Purity.

Purifier: All these years have passed....yet you still remember my favorite name....

Amagi: Sorry to interrupt, but why does this Siren suddenly get cuddly with you, Admiral.

Arthur: Aight, it's about time I told everyone about my relations with the Sirens. *fake cough* To put things simply, I am their creator.

Every Azur Lane member cannot believe what they heard. After a moment of silence, someone decided to break the ice.

Enterprise: Does that mean you are working with the Sirens all along?

Arthur: No. I'm here to teach them a lesson *turns toward the three Sirens* 

Facing Arthur's cold gaze, the three of them could do nothing but gulp and anticipate in anxiety.

Arthur: I acknowledge that your goal of accelerating humanity's development is indeed noble, but I cannot say the same thing with your methods. Seriously, I didn't teach you to start war for 5000 years, not to mention in multiple timelines!

Arthur: But looking back at how they razed humanity, I can't help but acknowledge it's fair to use war to ready others for their arrival......And now I have to go back and explain everything to the Fleet Admiral.

Observer Alpha: There's something I must tell you, father.

Arthur: Oh?

Observer: Truth is, this isn't the only major Siren fleet on the globe. The Empress, she have sent Arbiter IX: Hermit to Northern Europe. 

Raeder: Schiesse....Northern Europe is one of the most thinly defended region of ours.  

Arthur: That also means Iron Blood might have spotted them. Besides, I sent two of my best ships there days ago, things will be fine. Give them 5 days, and they will capture her.

Ash: Shall I notified the Ashes of your arrival as well, father?

Arthur: Tell all of them

Purifier: All of them?

Tester Beta: You sure, father?

Arthur: Did I stutter?

Ash: Bringing Bon Homme Richard would be quite the hassle.

Tester Beta: "Quite the hassle" is a severe understatement.

Hornet: Pardon me, but what's so worrying of this "Bon Homme Richard" ?

Arthur: Imagine an Essex-class shipgirl but utterly psychotic. Like, SS-level of psycho. And never go to rehab.

All: Oh.

*Three months later*

       The two months after the Second Battle of Midway had been a hell of paperwork and meetings for Arthur Godfrey. Firstlt, he was promoted to Fleet Admiral of Azur Lane, secondly, he had to organize the official announcement of reunification between Azur Lane and Crimson Axis, then go meeting with Vichiya Dominion, Iris Libre and Sardegna Empire. Next, he went to announce his return to other Sirens, and plan for peace talks between them and United Nations. Then meet the META ships. AND THEN planning the construction for a large residential area for the shipgirls, since now they were in active service in name only.

       But now everyone is getting along well. Yorktown got an Essex-class rigging, while Enterprise was provided with the new Midway-class aircraft carrier rigging. In the Royal Navy, HMS Vanguard was summoned and soon entered the fray. In Germany, Iron Blood offered Lütjens his old position, but he refused, wanting to live a simple life. Akagi and Kaga was prohibited from politics, but they took their punishment in stride because all they need is their beloved sister. As for France and Italy, they initially didn't look at Arthur with a positive eye due to his......actions. As for the Sirens, when they first arrived, they were (understandably) viewed with suspicion and contempt or even hatred. But everyone mellowed out in the end. 

      Right now, inside his office, Arthur is dealing with his usual amount of work, with the aid of secretary ships Niimi and Yamato. While signing papers and looking at future construction permissions, he gave a small smile.

Arthur: (I wonder what are awaiting me in the future?)

Niimi: Something makes you happy, Commander?

Arthur: I'm thinking of other worlds, other adventures.

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now