It's been only a day, and I have two carriers that almost sunk again

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3rd person POV

December 5th, 1960

900 kilometers East of Pearl Harbor, Hornet's carrier group is going through a violent storm on their way to meet up with other members of Azur Lane at the harbor. Long Island, who is having a bad case of seasick at the moment, says:

" This storm is so big......I think I'm gonna puke"

Arizona: Please don't ..... I don't want the wind to blow all of the bile onto my body.

Hammann: A small storm like this.....cannot make me sick...

Northampton: But you are the one who's suffering the most from this though. I am a battleship, and even I feels dizzy.

Hornet:  *trying very hard to fight back seasickness* Let's not focus on the storm...and the sickness right now. It'll make you guys feel a bit better...

Behind Hornet, Helena is throwing up in her sickbag.

Helena: Good thing I bring sickbags.

But then a huge pillar of water suddenly shoots up, and from the surface emerge a figure.


Other girls:  By the name of God, what in the world is that monstrosity?

What they see:

 The figure was a gargantuan metallic monster with crimson eyes

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The figure was a gargantuan metallic monster with crimson eyes. The monster looks down and see the tiny girls that stands below, its eyes lock with theirs, and they glow brightly

Long Island: it gonna attack us?

Hornet: I....I have no idea.

Northampton Should we open fire?

Hammann: Are you nuts? If it attacks, then we are toast!

Just as when Hammann finished her sentence, the monster turn its back and before diving away

Arizona: Do you guys think this could be one of the Sirens's war machines?

Helena: I think not. It does not share their color theme, besides it does not attack us. We would be dead if it belongs to the Sirens

Long Island. But if it does not belong to them, who does it belong to?

Hammann: No idea. But we do know for sure that it is not inherently hostile.

Hornet: Or maybe we were hallucinating due to severe seasickness

Long Island: That....makes sense.

Helena: Then how come we all saw the same hallucination?

Others: Just....don't talk about this anymore and focus on going to Pearl Harbor

Helena: Fine, seasickness it is then *proceed to throttle up*

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now