The Thwarted Surprise Attack

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On the previous chapter:

Arthur: (on loudspeaker) Well, well, well, what have we here.....

Arthur: (on loudspeaker)   "So, you must be Akagi and Kaga"

Cue Admiral Arthur, with a speaker, laptop and telephone, appear at the docks

Kaga/Akagi: And you must be the new Commander of Azur Lane, yes?

Arthur: It is I, Admiral Arthur Godfrey. And I come here to say that: What a cringy introduction from the oh-so-mighty 1st Carrier Division"

Kaga/Akagi: Are you mocking us?

Arthur: Ah, no........actually yes

Cleveland: Is he out of his mind?

San Diego: I think so

Akagi: Aren't you afraid that our aircraft will kill you this instant? Because they are about to do so shortly~

Arthur: That would be intimidating if you were, pffffft, intimidating

Akagi: Fine then, if death is what you want, then death I shall give.

Akagi throws 2 cards that quickly turns to Mitsubishi A6M Zeros, and they dive at Arthur, guns armed and loaded, ready to kill the scum that dared enrage their master. However Prince of Wales manages to shoot them down

Prince of Wales: Can you please stop enraging them, admiral?

Arthur: Thanks for reminding me that I am an admiral, and admirals should be giving orders.

       "To all ladies and gentlemen in and around the harbor, two aircraft carrier shipgirls named Akagi & Kaga has attacked Pearl Harbor"

Arthur's voice suddenly can be heard from every single loudspeaker at the harbor and gun emplacements, and he keep saying:

        "And today is also the day that marks my 1st year as Admiral, and those carriers have to come to introduce themselves in the most spectacular way possible! So I suggest that we greet them back in the same fashion: a welcome party."

         "You mean: a lot of anti-aircraft fire, complemented with artillery shells raining over their heads?" - a rear admiral speaks to Arthur over the phone. Arthur places the phone close to the speaker so everybody can hear

         Akagi/Kaga: What do you mean "artillery" and "anti-aircraft fire"? Ayanami has told us that there are no such things!

        Arthur: You will know soon

        "Alright men and ladies, you heard Rear Admiral Joe moments ago, and you all know the drill. The enemies are angry carrier shipgirls. A little sake and sashimi won't woo them over. You have to show them that you care about this. Give them everything, and leave nothing. If anything moves, it gets shot down. If it's down, you move on.  Keep the AA guns firing, keep the shells raining, and....have fun. But before we start, how about some music, after it plays we can greet them back warmly."

     Kaga's wolf quickly changed its attention towards Arthur and charges at him, its maw wide open, but several air-launched anti-ship missiles and 510mm HE shells hit it, causing the wolf to collapse. Then two figures appear, their riggings equipped - one carrier, another a super battleship

1st Carrier Division: Since when did they have shipmen?

Arthur: "on speaker. Sorry for the delay. Now the welcome begins."

     Arthur turns on the music, and just as the music begins, a storm of AA shells blot the sky. The lyrics begin to play, the sound so big that it's still quite audible even when over 150 guns are firing.

Book 1: I'm A God & My Daughters Are Waging War? (OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now