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Lunch time popped around and Hanji and Erwin walked inside. "Did you pack a lunch?"

"No." I said as I looked at the Physics and Biology worksheets.

"Well your welcome then." Hanji passed me a box of food. I opened it up to see tacos.

"Thank you." I said with a small smirk. Thank god, I actually was hungry.

They sat down. "So rumor has it that I'm the best t-"

"Nobody has said that Hanji." I said quickly. "I heard that your already the annoying teacher."

"Not true!" She pouted slightly. "I already gave snacks out!"

"They are using you." Erwin smirked.

I rolled my eyes again. "You guys are both annoying."

"We both heard from a student that Eren said something about you." Hanji spoke.

"Eren?" I said quietly.

"Eren... He's your student right?"

"Yeah." I raised a brow. "What did he say?"

"He told his friend that's in my class that you were a pain and an asshole with no life." Erwin laughed slightly.

"Is that so?" I said as I wiped my hands off. "Great." I smirked slightly.


Everyone came back from lunch and it pissed me off that I had to keep these same students all day everyday.

I glanced at the familiar brunette who was dapping up Jean casually before sitting down in his seat spreading his legs wide open and glancing at me.

I glared at him for his loud mouth and he sat up. "Yes?" He raised a brow at me.

"Oh nothing. Just heard about what you said."

"What did I say?" He raised a brow.

"I've embarrassed you enough Yeager." I grabbed my papers. "Anyway. Let's move on to our social studies work sheet."

Sasha groaned as she grabbed chips out of her backpack.

"No chips Braus." I snatched them out of her hands and casually tossed them in the trash.

"NOOO! Please let me keep them! I won't eat them please!"

"Yeah?" I stared down at her and she nodded. "Connie go fetch her chips."

"Why me!"

"PLEASE CONNIE!" Sasha grabbed onto him and shook him earning a laugh from Eren and Jean.

"YEAHHH CONNIE!! GO GET HER CHIPS!" Eren yelled and that deep voice of his made me blush slightly. I turned around and looked at the board.

What the hell?

Maybe it was that 'yeah' part when his voice slightly cut off to get deeper...

(Can you imagine Eren saying, "YEAHHH" in his loud deep voice? If so you'll probably know what I'm talking about.)

I turned back around to see Connie slowly grabbing Sasha's now messed up bag of chips. "Go wash that shit off." I spat and Connie quickly ran out the room.

I rolled my eyes and glanced at Eren who was still laughing with Jean. "Eren. Stand up and pass these papers out." I said and he stopped laughing.

"Why me?" He groaned and stood up. He was tall... Really tall.. He stood infront of me and I glanced up at him. I got a good whiff of his scent and rolled my eyes as I gave him the papers.

"If anyone doesn't have one, let me know. I'll make sure he gets a good discipline."

"Excuse me?" He raised a brow.

"Go on." I glared at him.

He rolled his eyes and walked off giving everyone a paper. Connie came back in class and sat down as he passed Sasha's chips back and she happily put them in her bag.

Eren came back to me and gave me the rest of the papers.

"Oh Mr. Ackerman!" Jean said and I tilted my head. "I didn't get a paper!"

"Oh shut the fuck up Jean he got one." Eren tried to back himself up.

I rolled my eyes. "Go sit down."

He went over to his seat and pushed Jean's head before looking at his work.

I rolled my eyes again before sitting down at my desk. I typed on my computer and pulled up Eren's old grades.

All B's and A's... Not too bad his Freshman year... But then, his Sophmore year through Junior, his grades went lower... And he's apparently a basketball player.. Huh.

That's new...

I glanced at Eren and he was wearing a Jersey... "Eren come here." I spoke.

He glanced at me and stood up. He walked over to me and looked down at me. "What?" He raised a brow.

"Are you a basketball player?"

"Am I?" He pulled his Jersey from his body and let it drop back down.

"Don't give me attitude." I looked at him.

"So why are you asking? If you want to come teach I'm happy about that." He smirked at me.

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes. "I definitely don't like basketball. But I was just asking. You can go now."

"Yeah sure. Next game is August 31st." And with that he walked off.

I kept quiet and watched as he dropped down into his seat and laid his head on Jean's desk who was behind him.

I thought about it for a second... How is he still a basketball player even after getting low grades... He's not even trying at this point...

Whatever. It's none of my business.

That Badass Couple (ERERI)Where stories live. Discover now