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Hanji's POV

I wish Levi had his parents here to support him. It made me sad that we are the only ones here for him.

I know if Eren was awake he would be here too, standing right next to him, sitting next to him, kissing his cheeks.

Probably even staying with him all night long.

It's already been the second day, Levi hasn't woke up but he's doing even better with his breathing.

Erwin and I got off work to go see Levi again. I hate that we had to go back to school, didn't feel right. Petra came with us since she was the sub of Levi's class for the time being.

We walked inside and as soon as we did we both ran over to Levi. Why? Because this shorty was wide awake.

He looked nervous as he looked at us. "Levi!" We said loudly and happily.

"Hey... Why are you guys so close..." He put his hands up.

"What..." Erwin spoke.

"We put him on drugs so he can ignore the pain for now." The doctor said from behind us. He walked in calmly with a pie in hand. "He said he was so hungry he wanted a pie so that's what we're giving him."

We laughed. "Did he say it when he was on drugs?"

"No. He said it before that."

"My pie!" Levi said happily.

The doctor gave him it and a plastic fork.

Levi opened it up and threw the top on the floor and began to dig in. He moaned and moaned at the taste and all we could do is laugh.

"We missed you shorty!" I said casually.

"Yeah yeah!" He said with food in his mouth. "Mhm this is hitting!"

We laughed again, I like this Levi.

"Wait..." He said quietly as the doctor gently looked at his free arm. "Where's my baby..." He frowned with food on his cheeks.

We stopped laughing as we frowned with him.

"Why is Eren not here... Where is he! EREN!" We all jumped at him yelling but the doctor just ignored him.

"It's normal." The doctor read our minds.

I nodded sligthly. "Are we able to tell him what happened to Eren?" Erwin asked calmly.

"If you want too, you may." The doctor gently pushed down on his arm earning a shake from Levi.

"Levi..." I said and walked over to him.

"Eren he uh..." Petra spoke.

"Spit it out!" He said with small tears in his eyes. "Why isn't he here! I love him."

"He got into a car crash too." I said with a frown. Levi dropped the pie on the floor.

"NO!" He moved and tried to get up but the doctor stopped him.

"Levi calm down!" Erwin helped the doctor

"NO NO! EREN!" He called out. "LET ME SEE HIM! PLEASE!" He kicked his feet to which Petra stopped him.

"He's okay Levi!" Petra said quickly.

He slowly stopped. "How do you know..." He said quietly.

"Because I was on the phone with his friends. He's in a coma yeah, but he's breathing fine."

That was a lie. He wasn't doing good, we knew it all. But I see why she was doing it, she didn't want Levi to stress especially under drugs.

Levi frowned. "How did it happen?"

"I was on the phone with him when we were going to this hospital. He was asking how you got into a coma. He was stressing out, his auntie drove him apparently. Next thing you know, someone rammed into their car and they flipped over. They were saved but Eren has so much stress that it wasn't just the car crash that is keeping him asleep, it's the stress he had from everything that's been happening." Petra said quietly.

Levi frowned at that. "My handsome baby..."

The doctor backed away.

"It's a little bruised still, it should die down soon. The nurse is gonna come in here and put a cast down for him."

The doctor left after we nodded with what he said.

"Call Jean please. On facetime. I want to see him." Levi said with a pout.

Petra began to call Eren's number on facetime. "Hello?" Jean's voice.

"Levi is awake... He wants to see Eren."

"We're almost there." Jean wasn't holding the phone it looked more on his lap as he drove.

"Okay." We said quietly.

Levi was laying and fidgeting with his hands. Jean spoke. "Levi can hear me right?"

"Yes." Levi responded for himself.

"Levi, Eren really does love you, he's definitely trying to survive for you..."

Levi kept fidgeting with his hands as he wiped his tears. "Is he breathing okay?"

Jean stayed quiet and Petra quickly said. "Yes Levi. He's breathing fine."

I noticed Jean glance at the camera and he opened his mouth to say something but I think Sasha understood and whispered to him quietly.

"He's breathing is slowly coming together again." Jean said with small hope.

"Petra, you said that his auntie was with him... So Jean is she okay?!" Levi said and Petra gave her phone to Levi.

Jean pulled up and got out the car with the others. "She's okay actually. Last night before we left we visited her too. She was asleep but another nurse said she was awake not too long ago. Carla and Grisha also visited the two of them."

Levi looked angry for a second.

"But!" Jean said quickly, "Carla said some stuff... Grisha stayed quiet but I knew deep down he loved his son truely. They said they were gonna see him again in a couple of hours."


We all waited until Jean got into the room. He turned the camera around and showed Eren. "See. He's okay Levi."

Levi teared up as he wiped his tears away repeatedly. He hiccuped sligthly mostly because of the pie probably. He wiped his face off and began to cry even more.

"Eren! Wake up..." He said quietly.

"Do you hear that Eren." Jean said quietly. "Levi is awake and well. He's waiting for you dude. So wake up." We all can hear the sadness in Jean's voice.

I frowned at Levi and so did Erwin.

We all didn't know if Eren was gonna make it out alive.

But we did know that he wasn't gonna die without a fight.

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