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Eren's POV

The next morning I had to walk to school due to the fact I'm grounded and don't deserve their "privilege."

They yelled at me all night telling me to just stay quiet. But I was kinda talking back that's probably why they also aren't taking me to school.

Now today is gonna be hell. I have no phone, no car, no nothing! And when I get home I'll have to clean the kitchen, the bathrooms and fuck, Faye's guest room. Shit.

That girl is messy.

If I had my phone I would be able to text Levi to come fucking pick me up, or maybe Jean. But nope, I gotta walk my ass to school.


When I got to school I walked inside of the classroom. LATE AS FUCK.

"Yeager. Why are you late?" Levi asked.

"I dunno. Ask my mom." I glared at him as I spoke quietly only enough for him to hear.

"Did you have to walk?" He asked quietly.

I tilted my head and gave him my classic 'no shit' look.

He stayed quiet. "For an hour?"

"Longer." I glanced at the clock.

He shrugged and I glared at him. Fuck. There's nothing bad I can do for revenge... I have to do my work... Fuck this sucks.

I watched as Levi began to write on the white board casually while I thought of any ideas...


Lunch time came around and I decided not to go and talk to Levi because I was mad. I think he really noticed when I was the first one to leave quickly.

I waited for Jean, Connie, and Sasha.

"Dude check this out." Jean began to pull us up to the top area. He then pulled out an air horn and used it. I closed my ears tightly as it rang throughout the area.

"What the fuck Jean!" I spat.

"Funny right?" He chuckled and Connie too joined in while me and Sasha just stared at them.

"No it's not." Sasha spoke first.

"At all." I spoke. But then... Something came up to mind... "Wait a minute... Why don't we prank Mr. Ackerman!"

"Huh?" They all said as they turned to face me.

"All we need is tape and the air horn... Oh and some time..."

"Some time?" Jean raised a brow.

Sasha and Connie looked at eachother before they clapped their hands. "I got it! We will put it under his seat right?" I nodded at them. "And then we will get Hanji or Erwin, or maybe even both to buy us time!"

"Correct! So let's do it?!"

"Fine but if we get caught it's your fault!" Jean pointed at me.

"Oh well... Let's go!"


The three of us went to Hanji first, but god is on our side and had Erwin there too.

"Okay can you guys get Levi in here until the bell rings?" I said quickly.

"Huh... Why?" Hanji raised a brow and so did Erwin.

"We want to prank him." Connie said with a smirk.

"A prank?" Erwin spoke and tilted his head.

Hanji laughed, loudly, hysterically laughing. "That is perfect! What's the prank gonna be?!"

"It's a surprise. We can't tell you. I'll record it though." Sasha said calmly.

Hanji and Erwin both glanced at eachother. "Huh okay. Well you guys hide we will go get him." Hanji said and stood up. "Let's go Erwin!"

The two of them left and we followed behind them before turning the corner and watching together.

"Levi Levi! Come to my classroom, I have to show you something!"

"I'm busy Hanji! Go away." He said with an attitude.

"I'm here too!" Erwin said. "It's really amazing, please!!"

"What the hell!" The door opened up. "Usually Erwin doesn't think anything you do is amazing. Fine let's go."

"Great!" They let Levi walk first before turning to us and giving us a thumbs up.

We quickly ran to his door before it shut and ran inside casually. "Okay let's do this shit!" I smirked.


The bell rang, we ran out of the room and hid slightly. We saw Levi irritated mostly because Erwin and Hanji didn't have anything to show him.

He opened the door and everyone began to walk into class so we did so too.

"Jean give me your phone so I can record."

"I got you!" Jean passed me his phone.

We all sat down and I began to record as Levi wrote on the board his small boring lesson plan.

He turned around and glanced at me giving me a 'Why didn't you stay?' type of look.

I laughed to myself quietly as I recorded his every move. He raised a brow before signing.

"Alright everyone, you might have homework for this class." He said and reached over his desk.

Oh my god. Just sit down already.

He passed out the homework casually before he finally walked to his seat. "Get started on it now or else you will have homework."

"Okay." They all said.

Finally Levi slowly sat down at his seat. I recorded higher to show the whole part.

I stood up as soon as he sat down all the way. The class was filled with an air horn noise. Everyone freaked out besides me, Connie, Sasha and Jean.

We laughed loudly as we watched. Soon people began to laugh at Levi.

He jumped off the chair and put his hand on his heart.

He looked freaked out and it was just hilarious.

Jean came over to me, I recorded us high-fiving casually before I stopped recording. "Send that shit to me."

"I got you." He began to send it to me while I glanced at Levi who was facing the board. He was rubbing his eyes and I raised a brow slightly. He turned around and glared at me and then I noticed the tears falling down his face before he quickly ran out of class.

I wanted to call out for him but couldn't because he was already gone before I got to the door.

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