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Levi's POV

I dropped Eren off and his mom came out with a mad look. "Eren! You were supposed to be here 2 hours ago!"

I quickly jumped out the car and said, "I'm sorry, it was my fault, I went a different way without thinking. Also Eren was busy in practice for a little longer." I said calmly.

His mom looked at me and sighed. I glanced at Eren whom was thanking me silently.

I shouldn't have! But I can't help it... He did hurt me but not on purpose. I can't be stubborn for ever... Plus... He forgave me when I actually did hurt him, knowing me and him were... Not talking but doing stuff. I would be hurt too.

"Thank you Levi for telling me. I was gonna slap his booty a couple of times!" She giggled.

I held in my laugh knowing Eren probably does get ass whoopens.

"Mom..." Eren said quietly.

"Yeah yeah. Go inside and take a shower you stink." She grabbed Eren and started to push him off.

"Can I get my phone back after?!" Eren said with a smile.

"Nope!" She smiled back and he groaned as he stomped off. He walked into the house before turning around and waving at me.

I slowly waved back before I saw him run up his stairs.

I smiled a bit before looking at his mom. "Thank you again Levi."

"No problem Carla." I nodded at her.

"Let me know if he does anything bad!" She giggled.

"I will... He was good today though." I said even though it was a fat ass lie.

"That's good. But I'm keeping that phone till Friday." She giggled again.

"He doesn't need it anyway. Helps him focus when it's not with him." I said just to tick him off a little more.

"Of course." She said before stepping back. "See you Levi."

"Bye." I said before getting into my car. I watched as she walked inside. I glanced up to see the familiar light of Eren's through his window.

I smiled once I saw him through it and him still waving. I waved back before driving off with a small smile plastered on my lips.

I drove slow that day mostly because I was scared and nervous, but I wasn't angry with Eren anymore.


The week passed by and today was Saturday. Apparently Eren got his phone back Saturday morning and we were texting...

Eren: dude she just gave me my phone back.

Me: I'm sorry to hear that (:

Eren: Couldve hooked me up a bit. I was bored on my friday night ):

Me: Ha.

Eren: So dry Mr. Ackerman (;

Me: Sorry. Grading the homework from Thursday. Just now getting to yours and stressing out.

Eren: Hey! I actually did it and took my time.

Me: Is that so? Be right back then.

I read over his paper and I actually smirked when I graded it. He got a 5/10. Not too bad for someone who doesn't understand shit.

Eren: Okay.

Eren: So??

Me: 5/10. Not too bad Eren.

Eren: So what's my grade now for last period?

Me: It's a C+

Eren: Seriously?!

Me: It wasn't a test Eren. Your grade doesn't go that high with homework.

Eren: How close to a B?!

Me: 20 points away buddy (:

Eren: Don't call me buddy. Just bump my grade up. If you do me and you can hang today (:

Me: Why do I have to bump it up for us to hang out?

Eren: So I can show mom I have a B, then me and you can hang.

Me: So is she gonna care about your C- you have in period one?

Eren: Uhm... Maybe she will understand that I'm tired early morning so it's hard to do the work? Anyway, just bump up my grade (:

Me: Nope. Guess you'll have to turn in your other homework to me.

Eren: Can I send a pic and you grade it.

I thought about it for a moment. I groaned.

Me: Fine. Hurry up.

After grading all of his late work. His C's from all of his class either was a C+ or now a B.

Me: There you go Eren. Next time turn in your work on time and you'll be at a A.

Eren: Fine I will.

Me: Good..

Eren: I'm gonna ask my mom if I can go out.

Me: Okay.

Eren: Wait... Do you want to hang out?

Me: I dunno... Do I?

Eren: I dunno... Do you?

Me: (: Hurry up and ask.

Eren: Okay brbb

I waited for a bit and continued to grade. Fuck he gets me so off track.

I kept grading until my phone dinged.

Eren: She said yes! Finally she's not being annoying. Dad is mad though but anyway, pick me up around the corner in an hour or so.

Me: Fine. I'll see you soon.

Eren: Kk. Adios!

Me: Hasta luego.

Eren: You know spanish?!

Me: Sighs. Just because I know that doesn't mean I know spanish Eren. It's simple common facts. Bye Eren.

Eren: Haha okay bye now.

I rolled my eyes and went back to grading slightly missing us texting. I know I'll see him soon but I can't help it.

Fuck. Can time go by any faster right now?

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