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Eren's POV

"Thank you." Levi said as he took the clothes I had brought for him from his house.

I've already made my mind up I wanted Levi to stay longer, and so did he, so he was gonna stay possibly until winter break is over.

Ontop of that, It's final that after Christmas, we're gonna go to New Zealand as a feild trip for school. Not the best but hey! Who cares.

It's gonna be fun. All the teachers can go, all the students too! Jean, Connie, and Sasha already asked their parents so now it's my turn!

Hopefully they said yes. I know they want me to stay for new years but it's not that big of a deal.

Levi set the box down on the other side of my room casually. We both went downstairs. "Hey mom." I spoke.

"Yeah?" She said calmly as she set up some decorations outside on the porch.

"Can I go on a feild trip for school? We're going to New Zealand after Christmas. I'll be gone for 3 days then back for the last week of winter break."

She stopped moving before saying, "Does it cost? Have you asked your f-"

"No and no." I said calmly. "It's free. Seniors only, senior teachers only." I replied. "I'll ask him though."

She sighed. "I'll let you go. Only!" She turned to face me. "If Levi is going."

I smiled. "Of course he is." I went inside the house and mom followed me in. "Right Levi? You're going to the field trip with me too?"

"Yep." He said calmly.

"Okay good. Now go ask your father."

"I will"


After an hour of begging, he finally said yes.

Levi had to help by saying "It's his senior year, let him have some fun for his last year! Plus, I'll be going. I'm gonna keep a good watch on him, he will be back into those hotel rooms before those street lights turn off."

I know Levi was actually being truthful about that but I like that about Levi so I don't mind.

I just couldn't wait to go.

Levi also seemed happy, but that's only because Hanji and Erwin were going too...

Armin is going too... And that means Mikasa is too.

I haven't gotten the chance to talk to her at all... I think... I want to talk to her when we are at the airport. It'll be good just like that.

I do want to make ammends, and apologize for cheating. And being a total ass.

I glanced at Levi whom was gently rubbing my arm as we sat together on the couch while dad was now outside helping mom set up the lights out there.

Dad said I should've been doing it but mom said she wanted dad to do it so they could spend some time together.


I kissed Levi's cheek casually. Faye would've told us to stop or would've been ooing eachother but she's up snoring away and away.

"So... Christmas Eve is tomorrow. Ready to decorate babe?" I asked calmly.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"And uh.. Can we talk real fast?" I asked quietly.

He sat up. "What?" He raised a brow at me.

"Why don't you want to celebrate... Your birthday?" I said as I scratched the back of my neck.

He averted his eyes somewhere else. "I don't want to t-"

"We have to. Please? I want to celebrate it with you. I want to be a good boyfriend and buy you shit and cuddle you. Give you everything you want for your birthday. Please just tell me why?"

He looked up at me and frowned. "I just... Don't want to celebrate it without my mom." He mumbled and looked away.

I frowned. "You aren't. She's always with you Levi." I said into his ear.

He shook his head and frowned with me. "But I just can't... I miss her."

I pulled him in for a hug. "I know baby... I know... But she wouldn't want this at all. I'm sure of it." He hugged me back tightly and we stayed like that for awhile and I heard him softly cry, so I rubbed his back casually kissing his cheek.

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