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I got you on that last one hehe

Levi's POV

"LEVI!" Furlan snapped me out of my thoughts.

I jumped up and stood up as I looked at Eren who was still having his eyes shut close.

My heart was racing.

"Are you okay?" Furlan asked softly as Isabel walked inside.

"I-I don't know." I said quietly as I gently rubbed Eren's cheek.

"It's time for Eren's meal." Isabel said calmly. I stood there as I watched them inject nutrients into him.

"You know Levi." Furlan spoke. "Eren's doing okay. He's not breathing bad anymore. You know what, I think it's fine that we go ahead and check those pupils."

"Huh?" I said quietly.

"Checking the pupils with light. If his pupil moves just a tiny bit, that means he's responding." Isabel said calmly.

"Oh..." I said as I looked at Eren who was gently breathing.

I kissed his cheek as Furlan walked out the room. "And done." Isabel said. "That should keep him full for awhile."

I stayed quiet and gently rubbed Eren's stomach just because.

Furlan came back with a small flashlight in hand. "Isabel, mind opening his eye up?"

"Yep." She said calmly.

She opened his eye up softly. His pupil was right there, pretty wide.

He gently turned the flashlight on and put it towards his eyes. He waited for a second and I saw it. His pupil gently sized down. He moved away.

"Good." He said calmly. "Other side."

They did it to the side I was on, and his pupil did the same. I smiled a bit knowing that he was being responsive. 

"He's a really good boy Levi. He's gonna be okay." Furlan said calmly.

"Thank you guys." I said calmly.

"Of course. If you need us, you know where to find us."

I nodded and off the two went.

They shut the door and I looked at Eren. "Good boy." I teased even thought he couldn't hear at all.

I kissed his cheek again and again before sitting down. I stared at him for the time being because It made me feel safe.

I then picked my phone up from the ground that fell out of my pockets. I then looked up, how to know if your loved one is coming out of a coma.

"Okay... The pupil.. Check. Small movement... You haven't moved once." I stood up again and gently let go of his hand, placing it where it was before.

I wish he would make a sign of movement but I guess the pupil thing will help me sleep at night.

I kissed his lips softly. "Goodnight my baby."

I left the room wiping any dry tears off of my face and left without another look at anyone.


I went to bed that night gently cuddling myself in Eren's hoodie.

The next morning I had went to work. I put everything down. The word had got out that Eren was put in a coma.

Everyday someone was talking about how they missed Eren or how they wish Eren was back at school.

But they didn't know him like me and his friends. We were the ones who were hurt the most. They can go on about their day while everyone who was close to him dreaded the feeling of waiting for him.

I gently sat down. "Okay, just go ahead and give me the packets from yesterday. I'm gonna grade them and I'll play a video of next weeks work. The week after that will be a school project so just a heads up." I said blandly as I opened my computer up.

They all got their packets out and began to bring it up to me one by one. Jean was last and he spoke, "How are you?"

I looked up at him. "I'm okay." I said quietly. "They said that he was being more responsive when they did this pupil check."

"That's good then." He smiled a bit. "Just a heads up, Carla, Grisha, and Faye are gonna go see him today."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay thanks for letting me know."

"Mhm." He walked off.

That made it hard for me. Do I go, or do I not? I guess I'll still go. I want to see him again.


After work, I had taken everyone to visit Eren so it didn't look like it was just me going.

Even Armin and Mikasa tagged along.

When Armin and Mikasa walked inside first they had some tears since they never seen Eren yet in the hospital.

It was just us for awhile until Carla, Grisha, and Faye came in.

Everyone waved at them sligthly and they gently wave back besides at Grisha.

Faye went over to me and gave me a small frown. "I'm glad you're doing okay Levi." She said referring to my own coma. I couldn't really say it was a coma, I was gone for two days. It's not as bad as Eren's.

"Thank you." I said quietly.

Carla and Grisha gently whispered prayers to Eren hoping it would work for them to survive.

Hanji and Erwin walked inside and smiled at me. They had to take their own cars here.

It was nice if I had to say that everyone was here. We even brought Marco along.

We all moved in places, in a small square as we looked down at Eren. I was right on the side of him gently touching his hair without anyone knowing.

We then all held hands as we looked down.

I wasn't one to pray, not because I didn't believe in god, it was just I never knew how and or understood it.

But I think we all needed a moment of silence. I closed my eyes and I felt like everyone else closed their eyes too.

That moment then and there, I never realized that this was what Eren needed.

To know that everyone was here. We were all waiting for him.

And when I opened my eyes I saw familiar green orbs looking up at the ceiling.

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