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Pay attention (:

Eren's POV

I averted my eyes after closing the door. I heard footsteps coming close and I froze for a second.

A hand was placed on my shoulder and for a second I had hoped it was my mother letting me know she loved me no matter what...

But when I turned around it was Faye. "Christmas is over, they are back to working hard." She said with a small frown.

"Oh." I said quietly. "Okay... We'll I'm going to my room then." I walked away and jogged up the steps ignoring Faye watching me go up..

I opened the door to my room and walked inside. I then shut it and began to strip to take a shower.

I walk into my bathroom, butt naked. I guess I should've turned the water on first because it's too cold for me to get it.

I waited and folded ny arms sligthly, touching the water every now and then. I finally got in and took a shower.

I was in there for awhile and finally got out.


After changing I picked my phone up from my desk and leaned down on my desk as I turned my phone on.

As soon as I did, missed calls from Levi were throwing into my notifications.

I raised a brow but stopped once he called again. I rolled my eyes and answered it.

"Yes ba-"

"Hello is this Eren?" The person who sounded like a female said really urgently.

"Uhm. Yes. Why are you calling on my b-"

"Levi got into a really bad car crash."

I froze and my phone dropped out of my hand. I felt my body shaking, is he okay? Is he hurt?! Is he dying?! What's happening?!?!

I picked up my phone. "W-Where at!!" I said quickly as I put my shoes on.

"He's being taken to the Rosa hospital right now. I'm following behind them." She was breaking up slightly.

"Your breaking up.." I said as I ran down the stairs. "FAYE DRIVE ME TO ROSA HOSPITAL."

"His phone is..." She paused and glitched slightly. "Really broken."

"What's going on?!" Faye asked as she ran towards me.

"Levi got into a car crash!" I said as I held my phone tightly.

Her eyes widened and she ran towards her sandals instead of shoes but I didnt care.

She reached for her car keys. "Bitch go go!" She opened the door and ran and so did I.

We got inside and I realized I was still on the phone with the girl.

"What happened?!"

"H-His car! I don't know what was happening, so much traffic everywhere. Someone had to be throwing needles out because his tire was flat, he's severed everywhere and was thrown off the cliff. His car flipped over, it was burning around him." She glitched slightly.

Faye had a hand on her heart and so did I. Im imagining it, oh god... My baby... I know he was so scared, I know he probably screamed. Oh god..



Shit. I felt nervous even going this way.

"While it was burning he was passed out, upside down and that's never a good thing to be upside down. We got him out about 20 minutes after the accident because of the fire."

My heart dropped. 20 minutes?! "I-Is he even... Alive." She stopped talking once I said that. "Please tell me." I was shaking down and I felt something wet hit my arm. I immediately wiped away my tears.

Faye was yelling at the driver to go and I averted my eyes out the window waiting for a response.

"He was breathing..." She said quietly.

"Why do you say it like your not sure?!"

"When the ambulance came we all were pumping his chest, giving him cpr while we waited because of the traffic." She said quietly. "And for a second when the ambulance came we lost him."

I dropped my phone and I think Faye had heard it. The next thing you know a car rammed right into us...

Then everything went all black.

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