Chapter - 46

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Recap: Akhil wins top 5 in the tender and prepares special designs for the final presentation but everything goes missing.


Akhil entered his cabin like a raging bull and saw Kabir and Sanjay standing with files in their hand and the IT team head and designing team head were present there already.

Akh: what the fuck is happening here. How did this happen inspite all the warnings to take care of everything ? I want everyone in the meeting room now.

Kabir and Sanjay nodded and walked away and informed the concerned teams to assemble in the meeting room. Mayuri got all the files and footages of the floors to Akhil before he joined the meeting. Kabir and Sanjay were in the room with him.

Kab: Mayuri you can leave and check if everyone has arrived at the meeting room.

Once Mayuri left Kabir played the footages on the huge plasma TV in his cabin and they did not find anything odd in it. The employees were in their usual working and nothing seem to be doubted in it.

Akhil called Mayuri and informed her to send IT head to his room and waited for him. 

Akh: So we are still not able to find the bastard who is working behind our back ?

Kab: Nothing seem to be suspicious Akhil. Before you turned out we checked everything and we could not find anything.

The IT head came in and was sweating in front of Akhil to face his wrath.

Akh: How did the complete system shut down all of a sudden ?

IT head: Sir, our team is working on it and we will find the reason at the earliest.

Akh: so you are yet to find the reason behind it and I m sitting here and paying you all a fucking amount to get my business down to mud is it ? What on earth are you guys doing rather than checking for the problem in prior and don't give me stupid reasons that its electronic and all bull shit. We have paid and got all advanced softwares and application to run error free. Now I need every minute details of what and how it went wrong before I wind up the meeting else you and all your team are fired.

IT Team: sir, please excuse us this time and we will make sure this doesn't happens. We will find the reason at the earliest.

Akh: Just get out and find out if you want to get saved of your fucking job.

Akhil pushed back his chair and left his room to the meeting room. Everyone stood and was scared to see him. 

Akh: I have just 3 points and 30 minutes for you all.

One - Do you any idea how the disaster happened ?

Two - Can you get back with the best designs by the next 12 hours ?

If one and two is not happening then 

Three is - Give me a back up plan to fix the loss and find the blacksheep bastard who is among you and working for my rival.

Whoever gives answer for even any of the one will be rewarded. Your time starts now.

Akhil sat on the chair and rolled the paper weight looking at each and everyone and assessing them.

Employee 1 : Sir, we can recreate the designs which we did for this project. That would take just 6 hours time.

Akhil: Are you fool to not realize that all our systems are hacked by our rival without evidence and you want me to present the same designs again. Better think before giving your foolish ideas. You are working for a multinationl corporate behave like one.

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