Chapter -53

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Recap: Akhil inform Kabir and Sanjay about his idea on proposing Jhanvi. Mayuri gets to know that Jhanvi is married.


Akhil and Jhanvi arranged the table and she saw him hurrying the work to finish the dinner quickly. As she served the dinner Akhil started to dig in quickly.

Jha: why are you in a hurry now. Eat slowly you may choke on it.

Akh: Finish fast we have an urgent work.

Jha: you just came back and what work do you have ?

AKh: Mrs. Akhil, I will answer all your question now come fast.

After dinner he pulled her to their room and gave her the bag which had a jean and shirt to get changed and he too got changed into a jean and shirt with leather jacket over it. He took her to the ground floor and stood before a shutter. He quickly blindfolded her.

Jha: What now ? why are you blindfolding now ?

Akh: Just a few minutes angel.

He quickly opened the shutter and wore his gloves and brought his super bike and stopped before her. He hopped on it and asked her to remove the blindfold. Jhanvi jumped in excitement looking at the BMW S 1000 RR bike shining in black.

Jha: Oh my god, Is this yours ?

Akh: Ours, shall we go on a ride now ?

Jhanvi nodded her head quickly and he gave her a helmet and he wore one.

Jha: This is my first time to ride in a bike Akhil.

Akh: Pleasure is mine to be your first in everything. come on Jaan lets explore the city tonight.

She held his hands and hopped on the pillion and held his shoulder gripply. He took her hands from his shoulder and made her hold his waist. He ignited the engine and it roared. When Akhil raised the accelerator she squealed like a child in excitement. In a swift she felt like flying with the speed he was driving and her hold on his waist turned tight. As it was late hours the road was almost empty which made him drive crazily. Quickly they reached the ECR and he slowed it a bit and removed his helmet.

Akh: Angel I m driving slowly, now remove your helmet for sometime.

Jhanvi was scared to remove her hand from his waist. He stopped the bike and removed her helmet.

Akh: I will drive slow, just feel the night sky and cool air. you will love it.

He started driving slowly and she raised her head and saw the stars and the cool air from the beach sent chills to her body. She widened her hands and closed her eyes feeling everything and Akhil who watched her through the mirror raised the speed a little to make her feel more excited.

He stopped the bike near a man who was selling gulfi and they got down to get for them.

Akh: Bro, 2 gulfi please.

Man: Ordinary or special ?

Akh: Ordinary

Jha: What is that special one, we will have both please.

Akh: no not today but I will get you one some other day.

Jha: Why not today, please please.

Akhil took her aside and rubbed his neck and then looked at her.

Akh: That is for couples to have a special night. Tell me do you want one now ? And more over we don't need such gulfi to boost our performance. You know...

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