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Things have been going smoothly

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Things have been going smoothly. Even after work or during lunchtime I tend to slip away from wherever I am to go see my girls.

Sadie has changed so much and Cotton is very protective of her which is cute.

I have been getting better at knowing what her cries mean and I take that as a win.

On days that we don't work, I try and take care of Sadie and let Chesney sleep but if she hears her crying here she comes.

Sadie was happy this morning and I changed her diaper and walked outside and sit down with her wrapped up even though it wasn't cold.

Cotton jumped up in the seat beside me wanting to be scratch. It's harder to multitask with a baby in your arms but I wouldn't change anything.

I sipped on my coffee just admiring Sadie when Chesney walked out.

"I was wondering where you two were at."

"I thought I would let you sleep after that wedding you had yesterday."

"Yeah that bride was a bridezilla and I really wanted to punch her in the face."

"What was wrong with her Ches?"

"What wasn't? She didn't like the room she was in. She said her hair was ugly then her lips and lastly she hated the flowers."

"Wow, she hated a lot."

"She even went out and ripped some of the flowers off of the arch and that's when her dad stepped in and told her to stop acting like a brat and deal with it."

"Wow, that's nuts. The first one you have had like that?"

"Yeah for me but Whit said she has had worse. If I get like that punch me." She laughed.

Sadie started crying so I handed her over and I took Cotton off of her lap so she could breastfeed.

Sadie stopped crying right away and all you could hear was sucking and Cotton purring and I looked over at her and laughed.

"How much longer until I can be inside you?"

"Oh we still have a while but we will have to make an exception on our wedding night Stone."

"Who will be keeping Sadie?" I asked.

She looked horrified. "I can't be away from her Stone."

"Sweetheart it will be our wedding night."

"Maybe I can pump and your mom can keep her. I am just not sure about that now."

"I understand that for sure but yeah give it thought because mom would love that."

"Oh, I know she would."

"Meredith will be here tomorrow and I know she can't wait to see Sadie."

"I can't wait to see her again." She smiled burping Sadie.

The doorbell went off and we both laughed knowing it was Clay. He stops by on the weekend to see Sadie.

"I will go let him in Ches."

"I will be right here."

They walk back outside and Clay smiles. "How is my little bunny today?"

"She just finished eating so no bouncing Uncle Clay or she may throw up on you."

"Yuck can't have that but I do have her another bunny."

"That is very cute Clay. You can take it and put it on the shelf that Stone built her just for your figurines."

"Really? Sweet I love the idea." He smiled walking off.

"When she gets older he is going to be batting the boys off with sticks. I think he will be worse than me." I laughed.

"Oh even though I was older he was protective of me in school and would report back to dad if a boy even smiled at me."

"Then how did frog boy get close to you?"


"What? Serious question Ches."

"It was a school dance and yeah that's all I'm saying about that." She laughed.

Clay walked back outside and had his hands on his hips. "Can I hold my little bunny yet?"

"Yes, Mr. impatient and you can change her diaper because she is currently filling it up." Chesney laughed.

"Oh hell no. I can't do poop sis."

"It won't kill you but it seems like a lot."

Clay gagged and covered his mouth with the bend of his arm and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I can't lie I gagged my brains out when I had to change her for the first time."

"I wouldn't do that to you Clay I will change her and bring her back." Chesney smiled and walked into the house.

"I really thought she was going to make me do it. I was about to break out in a sweat." He laughed.

"She just wanted to get your reaction is all." I laughed when Cotton jumped back up on my lap.

"Cotton loves Sadie doesn't he?"

"Oh yeah, he will lay on the floor in front of her crib and sleep while she's sleeping."

When Chesney came back out she handed Sadie to Clay. "While you guys are watching her I am going to shower and get ready for the day."

"You are going to go try on dresses with Whit and mom?"

"That's the plan and maybe get some lunch as well."

"Sounds good. Dad should be here soon since he doesn't think we can watch her alone." I laughed.

"I am glad that Alan is coming because what if she poops man?" Clay laughs.

"I can clean up my daughter's poop Clay stop being so scared."

"Well, I can't do poop or diapers at all. It's just too much for me to even think about." He laughed.

There was a knock on the door and I let dad in and he had a bag of food in his hands. "Mom sent me with food."

"Good, we are all hungry dad."

I went back out and took Sadie from Clay and put her in the bassinet while we went to the kitchen to see what mom brought over.

"Oh, she made a big breakfast. She wanted to make sure you two had full stomachs taking care of my granddaughter." Dad laughed.

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