Broken Gadgets and a "bodyguard"

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CW: Yelling, Cursing

Tommy ran through the streets as he held the broken gear in his hand and bag with his costume in his bag. "Wait—" The blonde paused, backed up and ran up a apartment complexes stairs to his best friends apartment, sure sometimes he was suspicious on why they shared a apartment but he assumed it was for money saving. The blonde paused catching his breath then knocked intensely on the door, "Tubbo!" He yelled waiting for it to opened. 

"What do you want?" Tubbo said opening the door, "Oh fuck—" he whispered seeing the broken gadget in his hands, it's fine it's only testing anyway.

"It broke on the impact on a single pull from a criminal! How am I supposed to use this!?" Tommy yelled entering the apartment, the broken gadget waving around.

"You're going to hit someone stop that idiot!" Tubbo yelled grabbing the gadget. Tommy sighed and sat on the couch pulling out his costume from the backpack, a pretty basic outfit honestly but easy to change in and out of. The main part of the suit was a one piece in dark grey, and some gloves with little claws and a black face mask. "Did the ears break?" Tommy shook his head, "Still work." He said showing off them putting the raccoon ears as they moved and went up and down with every noise.

"Good, those were an ass to make and program." Tubbo mumbled and put the broken raccoon tail gear on a table, the strips separated with the endoskeleton for it showing, "Guess no heroing for a bit Tom." Tubbo said shrugging, "Tubbo it's crime season though! You know this!" Tommy yelled. Tommy had been a vigilante for a year and last year this season got the most criminals escaped because of heroes being swamped with actual villains.

Tubbo sighed, "Yes yes I know! Ranboo is streaming right now so I'll get to work on this, make yourself at home like normal Tom." Tubbo said dragging the broken tail off the table and into his bedroom with him. Tommy nodded and turned on the tv as Tubbo walked to his bedroom. 

—Few hours later—

Tommy eventually got bored and got the couch and headed to Tubbo's room, "Can I?—" he pointed to a balance beam in Tubbo's room. Tubbo nodded still focusing on the broken gadget in front of him. Tommy got excited and walked to the balance beam and placed his hands on the beam, rubbing the rough texture he enjoyed. Tommy's favorite past time was working on his balance, not only did it help with his vigilante hobby. 

—Few Hours later—

Tommy had been balancing on the beam for a few hours and zoned out before his phone started to ring and he fell face first, "Ow—" he grabbed his phone rubbing his fingers against the hand made stickers on the red case, and answered the call. "Who is it?" Tubbo asked looking behind. "Sam." Tommy mouthed and waited for the parent to answer, "Tommy where have you been? It's a school night." Tommy rolled his eyes, "I'm with Tubbo, we're studying for test. Sorry Dad" Tommy mumbled into the phone.

Tubbo got off his chair and handed Tommy the fixed gadget "Was easier to fix than I thought, and I improved the metal on it, still be careful. Don't let anyone get a finger on you" Tubbo whispered, "Yes I'll be heading home!" Tommy exclaimed and ended the call, "Thanks bossman! Your the best best-friend I could ask for!" Tubbo shrugged and sat back down on the desk sketching out more ideas for the costume and something else.

Tommy ran out of the bedroom and stuffed the gadget into his bag, "My leggings!—" he ran off the bathroom, taking off the dark red leggings and put on his ripped jeans. "Phew, dad would've figured me out pretty fast if I had this shit on!" He exclaimed in relief and took the leggings and put them in his bag. "Bye you two!" He yelled as he left the apartment and headed back to his house.

 Tommy lived in a foster home with three other people as his "siblings" he only really called Sam "Dad" because Tommy missed his dad and wanted to meet him again some day. Tommy was gave up at the ripe age of 10! "Perfect" age to give up a child to an orphanage I guess, luckily he was allowed to do a lot because he wasn't a bad kid at the orphanage. He never talked about the old pranks he'd pull and not get caught in, shop lifting and other stuff. But that was the old him, he had changed now he was vigilante sure sometimes he'd shoplift but only if he couldn't afford something like a soda.

The walk from the apartment complex to the house was a dangerous one when it was dark sure, but Tommy wasn't a idiot and walked with his hand in his pocket, the knife easy enough to flick open on anyone who dares to touch him. Tommy was good for most of the walk before someone ran out of a ally way  pinning his arms to the ground, he couldn't get his knife. "Fuck." Tommy whispered into the sidewalks rough cement. "What the fuck? Wings?" He thought hearing flapping as a feather landed next to him, "Oh a hero" he thought looking up as he felt the realase of the thug who attacked him. 

The hero in front of him had the person unconscious in his hands, "You alright mate?" Tommy nodded and got up, "You have a bloody nose mate!" Tommy froze, "fuck." Tommy thought and turned around to the hero, "Have any tissue?" Tommy jokingly says. The hero dragged Tommy along to a nearby drug corner store and bought him some bandages, "Uh thanks. I can pay you back—" Tommy said pulling out his wallet, "No need. I got some stuff too" the hero said holding a small bag of medicine, pain killers and bandaids. Tommy looked down at the ground, last time someone who looked like him was around they left, "Do you want me to take you home mate? It's late, and dangerous as we just proved." Tommy jumped upwards, "You would do that?!" He asked then covered his mouth as him and the hero left the tiny store.

"Alright kid, what's your address?" Tommy fumbled for his phone, "Let me tell my guardian first."  He mumbled and texted the man labeled foster dad.

T: Hey old man, I'm going to be a little late srry.

S: what do you mean, "A little late" it's 12 at night thomas!

T:Fuck you

S: Just get home safely I'll talk with you here.

T: 🖕

S:Real mature there Thomas.

Tommy put the phone back in his pocket, "Let's go." He said looking at the hero as they walked to his house, "Alright I'll be flying above you as like a bodyguard I guess heh!" Tommy looked at the hero confused as they flew up and higher then Tommy could see them.

 Tommy shrugged and started to walk home, and he was a bodyguard alright but another hero decided to join the walk. A really annoying one too. They just kept talking to the flying hero, "Why'd you join?" The hero behind him looked at the blonde, "What?" "Why'd you start following me aswell? Don't you think he would get suspicious if two heroes follow me to his house!?" Tommy yelled and ran ahead of the heroes.

Word Count: 1240

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